CompanyMedia - software package - an electronic document management and business process management system (CEDIUP), produced by InterTrust Company from 1998 to the present. The system is represented by two configurations that are identical in functionality at the level of standard modules and business solutions, as well as mobile applications of the system.
CompanyMedia | |
Type of | SED , ECM |
Developer | Company "InterTrust" |
Written on | LotusScript , C ++ , Java |
operating system | Server: Windows , Linux Client: Windows , WinMobile , WWW , iOS , BlackBerry OS , Android . |
Latest version | 5 [1] ( 2015 ) |
License | Proprietary |
Site | |
IBM Domino / Notes based configuration . IBM Domino server is used as a storage platform . At the data presentation level, two user interfaces are available: IBM Notes or a more modern web-client system developed by InterTrust in collaboration with the design studio Artemy Lebedev. The configuration is intended primarily for existing customers "InterTrust", focused on the use of the platform IBM Domino / Notes. Within this configuration, the transfer of unique modifications made in earlier versions of the system is supported.
Cross-platform configuration . Supports the use of basic and intermediate software from various manufacturers. The platform for data storage can be any relational DBMS. The user interface is implemented using a web client. A distinctive feature of the configuration is the possibility of using both proprietary components (DBMS, OS, office suites), and components based on open source software, including those developed by domestic software manufacturers. At the application level, the system is a fully Russian development, created by InterTrust specialists. The configuration is focused on a wide range of customers, including organizations interested in implementing import-independent software solutions of the EDMS / ECM class. As part of a cross-platform configuration, it is possible to create arbitrary solutions in terms of functionality, the basis for which is the ActiveFrame 5 development environment, created by InterTrust.
System CompanyMedia belongs to the class of corporate content management systems (ECM) . Currently, it consists of modules that perform various tasks, from the automation of classical tasks of general and private document management to support group work and automate business processes. In general, these subject modules can be divided into the following five categories:
- documentation management;
- typical business process management;
- document management;
- management of regulated processes;
- teamwork with documents.
Due to the specifics of the system, the main groups of its consumers are: the public sector and the federal, regional and municipal authorities, the financial sector, industrial enterprises and the fuel and energy complex. In general, consumers of the SED CompanyMedia can be described as organizations with a large number of employees and at the same time a high level of territorial distribution of structural units, as well as subsidiaries and affiliates, which in turn require solutions to ensure end-to-end workflow throughout the company.
Features of implementation and operation
- The CompanyMedia system is developed as a typical system consisting of unified modules responsible for the automation of certain types of work with documents.
- The second direction of the development of the system is custom development, which makes it possible to adapt the unified module to the requirements set by the customer of the system, if they differ from the standard ones, in the shortest possible time and with minimal expenses.
- The final configuration of the system, the filling of basic reference books are made by field specialists and does not require changes to the program code of the system.
Market position [2] [3]
- in 2008, in the total number of jobs in the SED CompanyMedia market ranked third with a relative share of 11%.
- in 2007, by the total number of jobs in the SED CompanyMedia market ranked sixth with a relative share of 8%.
- Among the systems, platform superstructures, CompanyMedia ranked second in 2008 with a market share of 38% and second place in 2007 with a market share of 29%.
- The main number of system implementations in Russia falls on the Central District (32%), the Volga, Siberian and Ural Districts take second place (16% each), and the Southern and Northwestern districts occupy the third place (8% each).
- Most of CompanyMedia implementations (44%) are made up of companies with a population of 100 to 500, then (32%) - up to 100 people, in third place (12%) are implementations in companies with between 500 and 1500 people, more (8%) are implemented in companies with a staff of 1,500 to 5,000 employees, in fifth place (4%) are introduced in companies with a total staff of over 5,000.
System history, licenses and certificates
The electronic document management and business process management system CompanyMedia has more than fifty certificates, certificates and licenses. Here are some of them:
- Certificate of Rospatent No. 990954 dated 12.27.1999 about official registration of the computer program “CompanyMedia”.
- The certificate of conformity of the CompanyMedia computer program to the requirements for the quality characteristics of STU 115.007-2001 issued by ROSINFOSERT of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization.
- Quality Certificate of Gosstandart of Russia for the CompanyMedia Corporate Document Management System No. ROSS RU.0001.04ЯA1139 of 06/14/2007.
- Quality Certificate of the Gosstandart of Russia for the information system “CompanyMedia-Corporate Electronic Archive ” No. ROSS RU.0001.04ЯA1249 dated 12/20/2008.
- Quality Certificate of Gosstandart of Russia for the CompanyMedia Corporate Document Management System - Personnel Management No. ROSS RU.0001.04ЯA1137 of 06/14/2007.
- Quality Certificate of Gosstandart of Russia for the CompanyMedia Corporate Document Management System - Planning Management No. ROSS RU.0001.04ЯA1136 of 06/14/2007.
- Quality Certificate of Gosstandart of Russia for the CompanyMedia Corporate Document Management System - Project and Contract Management No. ROSS RU.0001.04ЯA1138 dated 06/14/2007.
On September 5, 2008, the CompanyMedia corporate information system for electronic document management and office management, developed by InterTrust, received a certificate of conformity No. 1674 issued by the FSTEC of Russia and confirming the presence of built-in information protection tools against unauthorized access to CompanyMedia that meet information security requirements No. ROSS RU.0001.01 BI00.
CompanyMedia Structure [4]
All modules of the SEDiUP CompanyMedia have before the name the prefix CM-, denoting that the module belongs to this electronic document management system, which distinguishes them from another development of the same manufacturer - SED OfficeMedia [5] , designed for small and medium-sized organizations, but, in general, supporting standard functionality of electronic document management systems. System modules are divided into five categories according to application types.
Documentation management support
The category of DOE (document management software) currently includes modules that perform the tasks of the organization’s general and private document management.
- CM-Incoming documents (CM-VHD) - the module provides processing of incoming correspondence from legal entities and individuals, while controlling duplicates and copy numbers of incoming documents, provides the ability to register documents, preprocess and supplement with accompanying materials, form a resolution on the incoming document, and using services CompanyMedia, provides control of its execution with the formation of the corresponding reporting.
- CM Citizens' Appeals (CM-OG) is a module that is functionally identical to the “incoming documents” module but provides the extended functionality necessary for working with individuals, including the processing of passport data, social protection categories and other features. The module is intended, first of all, for organizations providing services to the population and authorities of all types of government that receive citizens.
- CM-Outgoing Documents (CM-IshD) - the module provides the entire cycle of work with outgoing documents from the preparation of a draft document through the coordination of its text and the further signing of the original by an authorized officer before sending the document to the addressee with simultaneous control of its receipt.
- CM-Clerical - a module that allows you to combine documents of an organization, both in CompanyMedia's CEDIP and unrelated to it (documents in other systems, paper originals, etc.) into cases, giving the latter names in accordance with the index-forming classifier (nomenclature of cases) approved by the organization. Upon completion of the life cycle, documents grouped into files are available to either directly destroy from CompanyMedia or be transferred to archival storage in the SM-Corporate Electronic Archive subsystem, in accordance with federal legislation prescribing the archival storage of documents if the latter are valuable to employees, organizations, or state.
- CM-Fax is a module that allows you to send and receive fax messages through an organization’s corporate server and then send them to recipients within your organization by e-mail, as well as simultaneously keeping system logs of sent and received messages, which significantly reduces the number of phone numbers leased by the organization, and to ensure full control over the organization’s incoming and outgoing fax messages and to minimize the possibility of their loss.
- CM-Sessions - a module that provides the functionality for the preparation of the agenda of scheduled, cyclical and unscheduled meetings and meetings of collegial governing bodies, as well as the further procedure for preparing the minutes of the meeting. The CM-Session module provides, through interaction with other modules of the system, the formation and control of the execution of instructions issued on the basis of the meeting protocol, as well as the publication of the protocol through the CM-module Regulatory and Administrative Documents (CM-NSD).
- CM-Order is a module that provides the functionality of issuing instructions to employees of an organization with subsequent double control of execution: system control by deadlines and control of execution essentially by the responsible official. The module also allows you to create nested orders of the required number of levels, with simultaneous control over the deadline for execution in such a way that the deadlines for the execution of lower orders do not exceed the hierarchically higher levels. The module also allows you to generate reports on the execution of orders in the form of relevant reports on officials who issued orders for performers and within certain time frames.
- CM-Corporate Electronic Archive (SM-CEA) [6] is a module that ensures full compliance with the requirements of federal law No. 125-ФЗ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” in the areas governing the work of departmental archives of organizations, including the reception of archival materials, support the work of expert commissions, the search, control of the issuance of archival materials in electronic form on the hands and in the reading room with control of return and termination of access, the allocation of cases to destruction and transfer to external storage, as well as the re-formation of cases already found schihsya in the archive, as well as the preparation of a variety of automated archival approved forms: inventories, certificates, certificates. The module provides for the ability to work in the archive filing mode, which allows managing the existing material departmental archives, accepting documents integrated into cases from the SEDiUP CompanyMedia, as well as by means of retro-convertible input for streaming and manual scanning of archival materials. Currently, the CM-KEA module is unique, representing a single corporate information system that meets regulatory requirements and is built on the basis of IBM Lotus Notes / Domino.
Document Management
- SM-Regulatory and Administrative Documentation (SM-NSD) - the module allows for the cycle of project preparation, approval, approval, registration, publication and withdrawal (replacement, cancellation, cancellation) of regulations (regulations, regulations, instructions, etc.) and administrative ( orders, orders, etc.) documents of the organization. The module supports flexible management of access rights to documents (creation, viewing, deletion, complex rights), a hierarchical document storage structure, a powerful search system for documents and folders both by their attributes (creator, signer, date of signature, etc.) and the text of the documents themselves, if present in the system.
- SM-Technical Documentation (SM-TD) - the module allows you to perform work on supporting the technical documentation life cycle in specialized organizations: preparing draft documents, approving and approving them, registering, replacing and canceling, managing versions of documents and access rights to them.
Collaboration with documents (Collaboration)
- CM-Documentation - the module allows for group work with documents within the development and version control. The module CM-Documentation is intended to provide a group of users of the SEDiUP CompanyMedia united by solving common tasks and common information resources located in a corporate information network of a high degree of territorial distribution with common documents with replication support. The system provides replication of documents to remote workplaces and groups, real-time tracking of changes in documents made in real time, control of all versions of documents and access control to them.
Typical Process Management
- CM-HelpDesk - maintenance request management module. It allows you to document user requests, monitor their implementation by deadlines and quality (feedback from system users who submitted an application can be used). The method of application of the module allows you to plan the workload of units responsible for processing requests for maintenance, prepare reports on work performed, as well as statistical information on the units as a whole, and on specific employees.
- SM-Clients and Contacts (SM-KiK) - the CM-KiK module is a fully functional CRM class system implemented within the CompanyMedia system. The CM-KIC module provides management of the customer interaction cycle from the first contact to repeated calls. Providing the possibility of documenting contact information, information about officials, the CM-Q & K system provides the ability to communicate with other documents of the system - agreements (CM-Agreement), Incoming and outgoing documents (CM-VHD and SM-IshD). Many additional functions of the system can be implemented using the WorkFlow service.
- SM-Project Management - a project management module provides the possibility of detailed management of project activities in an organization — resource planning, assignment of performers, issuing assignments to performers and the subsequent monitoring of their execution by dates and essentially, the module supports sending reminders of system events, such as: assignment of the performer , assignment of the assignment to the performer, approaching the deadline for completing the assignment, information on the delay in execution (the absence of the Contractor’s report on completing the assignment Wu directed the project manager). All reminders are supplied with active links to records in the CM-Project Management databases and allow you to directly specify or perform the required actions.
- SM-Human Resource Management (SM-UE) - the module is designed primarily to automate the management of personnel administration in the organization. SM-Human Resource Management provides the interconnection of information stored in CompanyMedia with records of personnel records and allows for the preparation and management of documentation included in the personal file, which is governed by organizations in accordance with current legislation. The system allows the preparation and storage of the following standardized accounting forms: an order to hire an employee (f. T-1), an order to terminate an employment contract (f. T-8, T-8a), an order to transfer an employee to another job ( f. T-5), employee's personal card (f. T-2, T-2GS, T-2MS), staffing table (f. T-3), vacation schedule (f. T-7). A feature of the module is its full integration into the structure of CompanyMedia system services and, as a result, the ability to use all system services. The module complies with the requirements of federal law No. 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data” .
- SM-Claim and Claim Work (SM-PIR) - the module provides support and interconnection on the documents that constitute the evidentiary part of the claim work and allows you to search and further merge documents according to the type of membership in this group. In this case, documents can be practically any, these are records from the following CompanyMedia application modules: СМ-Вхд, СМ-ИзхД, СМ-ОГ, СМ-Contract, СМ-КИК, etc.
- SM-Powers of Attorney - the module provides automation of work on standard procedures for managing powers of attorney in the organization: issuing powers of attorney, monitoring relevance and revoking powers of attorney, while the module provides the user with data in a convenient form, allowing you to find out what official for what period of time and for which organization was issued power of attorney, timely trace the need for its extension, notify both the principal, and proxies and, if necessary, the clerks, in whose functional obligations nnosti may include preparation of a new, or the extension of the old power of attorney, as well as the organization of revocation procedure.
- SM Pass - the pass control module allows the organization’s employees to issue, approve and approve the request for pass issuing when they have the corresponding service needs. After approval, the application is registered and submitted for execution to the organization's pass office, where, on its basis, it can be issued or otherwise issued a pass to the territory. The system contains search forms that allow you to analyze the issued passes both for employees who ordered, agreed and approved the application, and to estimate the workload of employees of the permit office and the number of passes issued for a certain period to a specific person.
- SM Travel - the module provides control over the passage of two complementary processes: preparation for a business trip, including an application, calculation of expenses, hotel and ticket bookings, as well as a business trip report, which allows you to prepare documents such as an advance expense report and a follow-up mission report its approval and approval. The module provides preparation and printing of approved reporting forms: official assignment on sending a worker on a business trip (f. T-10a), order (order) on sending a worker to a business trip (f. T-9), travel certificate (f. T-10) , advance report (f. AO-1), report on the trip. Allows you to store, process and provide access in accordance with the rights to the information on the travel of employees for a long time, up to 5 years, and if necessary, more.
Automate Regulated Processes and Workflows (WorkFlow)
- CM-Universal Applications - the module is an application application based on the WorkFlow service, which allows, on the one hand, to minimize costs when developing new document-oriented applications, on the other hand, to significantly speed up development itself. Currently, the CM-UZ module supports the automation of the process of forming, coordinating and approving an application for the purchase of inventory with the control of their transfer to the customer.
IBM Domino / Notes based configuration system architecture
The CompanyMedia architecture is based on a service-oriented approach (SOA) and can be represented as a four-level system:
Platform Level
is located at the base of the structure and is a non-relational, object-oriented IBM Lotus Domino database management system (DBMS) that stores electronic documents themselves, their content and metadata; provides access to them in conditions of a high level of territorial distribution, replication of stored data across the servers of the system, and also partially provides the functionality of control and access control to data.
System Services Level
provides application modules with the unified resources they need. Using a unified API, services can provide the necessary resources to any information processing module, as well as to any other service.
- ActiveFrame is a set of document-based system services that provides the functionality of most unified document- oriented modules. ActiveFrame provides service resources on request for modules, providing the latest with a unified set of resources required for electronic document management. Services based in ActiveFrame include: directories and classifiers, coordination and approval, control of execution of orders, information processing and preparation of printed forms, automated formation of cases, interactive corporate training, an integrated system of cryptographic information protection (ICTD).
- AF-WorkFlow is an advancement service for automated business processes that uses documents, their metadata and document flow routes as a basis.
- ChangePump is an event-oriented information processing service.
- SKZI is a third-party service that provides processing of electronic digital signature and cryptographic protection of information relating to the CryptoPro lineup.
Application Module Level
Its composition and main functionality are described in detail in the previous section.
Interface Level
- IBM Lotus Notes is the most versatile system interface that provides any of the modules with all the interface functionality it contains, including not only direct work with the user, but also, for example, scanning documents with content recognition, etc.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer is an interface that provides truncated system functionality only in those modules that are equipped with support for Internet / Intranet access.
- Mobile interface is a system interface that allows you to provide standard system functionality of a part of application modules through the use of a Windows Mobile application.
- iPad interface - applications for the iOS platform, automating individual modules of the SED CompanyMedia. The development of this product line was launched in mid- 2010 .
System Development
In the second half of 2010, the manufacturer of the EDMS CompanyMedia, the InterTrust Company, presented several unique solutions for the EDMS, using as a client part a Fat client installed on an Apple iPad tablet computer. Application development was started for the Apple iOS 3.2 operating system, and later software products, when migrating to the next version of the operating system — iOS 4, added multitasking support, and also improved sustainability aspects. In November 2012, a mobile application for BlackBerry was introduced, and in February 2013, a mobile workplace on Android .
Since the fall of 2010, the iPapka application is available for download from the AppStore , which is a mobile workplace of the top manager in the CompanyMedia electronic document management system. To date, iPapka provides the following functionality:
- supporting the possibility of the manager reviewing the submitted documents with the fixation of resolutions and the formation of instructions with the transfer of their performers;
- familiarization with the draft document with the functionality of its coordination, approval or motivated refusal of the specified actions;
- fixing comments to the documents in question, including text, graphic and voice;
- multitasking support (for iOS 4.X).
At the exhibition of document management systems DocFlow2011, an application for iPad iMeeting was presented, which is a client application of the CM-Meetings module. Its main functionality is support for the mechanisms of work of collegial governing bodies - meetings and meetings. The application allows you to work with the following information:
- with a list of invited officials;
- with the agenda of the meeting;
- with the documentation to be reviewed;
- with draft decisions;
- with the draft minutes of the meeting.
The application also supports typical possibilities of working with documents characteristic of collegial management bodies, such as commissions, committees, collegiums, meetings, etc.
In October 2012, a new version of the program, CompanyMedia 4 , was released, in fact combining the quality of EDS and ECM thanks to new approaches to document processing and a new understanding of the role of workflow.
Among the critics of this software product, the following are particularly noticeable:
- System workstations do not support all OSs: version 3.6 supports Windows and Linux, version 4.0 supports Mac OS (with some limitations).
- Web interface is implemented for IE (8 and 9) and Google Chrome. Safari support - with some limitations. FireFox - in plans for the next version.
- The system is designed so that you can adapt to the specifics of different companies. As a result, if the customer lacks the necessary qualifications, the implementation may require the assistance of the manufacturer or its partners.
- The system is not focused on small business. Implementing a number of jobs less than 20 may be ineffective
- The appearance of the application is customized for a specific user and depends on its business role. Therefore, the user interface of the modules can look quite conservative. At the same time, the interface of the latest version of the product (4.0) was developed by A. Lebedev design studio and is characterized by intuitive clarity and simplicity. The iOS app has a native interface.
- ↑ [1] Press release on the implementation of the CompanyMedia 5.0 system.
- ↑ Report of DSS Consulting “Analytical review of the market of electronic document management systems for the year 2008” Archived May 24, 2009.
- ↑ “Analytical review of the market of electronic document management systems for 2009” Archived September 10, 2011. .
- ↑ Description of the system on an independent portal about the SED.
- ↑ PC Week Information about the release of the new release of OfficeMedia.
- ↑ BYTE magazine website Information about the output of the electronic archive module.
See also
- IBM Lotus Notes
- Electronic document management systems
- User Collaboration Platform (GroupWare)
- Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECM)
- Proprietary license
- Apple iPad
- Intertrast Company - Website of the manufacturer of the software system CompanyMedia.
- CompanyMedia - The site of the software system itself.
- CompanyMedia - Build open - System page on Facebook.
- iPapka is an app in the Apple AppStore .
- Lotus Notes - the Russian-language section of the IBM Lotus Notes vendor site
- Program-T Company - Nizhny Novgorod company engaged in the promotion of software products with solutions based on CompanyMedia.
- “IBS Kazan” (renamed to “ITC Kazan”) - Introduction of an electronic document management system in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan.