Alexander Abramovich Galkin (b. July 24, 1922 , Vitebsk ) - Soviet and Russian historian , political scientist , researcher of Nazism . Doctor of Historical Sciences , Professor . Full member of the Academy of Natural Sciences (1998) and the Academy of Political Science (c its education). Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences .
Alexander Abramovich Galkin | |
Date of Birth | |
Place of Birth | |
A country | |
Scientific field | history , political science , sociology |
Place of work | Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences , Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Alma mater | Istfak MSU |
Academic degree | Doctor of Historical Sciences |
Academic title | Professor |
supervisor | I. S. Galkin , A. S. Erusalimsky |
Awards and prizes | |
The son of the party-economic worker Abram Ilyich and Bella Izrailevny Galkin.
After graduating from school in Minsk in 1940, he was drafted into tank units and served in the Moscow Military District. In the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, he studied at the courses of military interpreters, then at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages , where he perfectly mastered German. From November 1942 until the end of the war, Galkin, instructor of the political department of the 1st Guards Army, from which he reached Berlin [1] , ended the war in the rank of guard captain .
“The war turned me - the darling of the family and the“ bookworm ”, who knew little of real life, into a man who knew how to take a hit and achieve his goal. During the war, I learned not to lose heart - even when everything around seems black, and there is no way out of the current situation, to distinguish between true values and imaginary values, to disdain talkers and cowards and appreciate true friendship. From the war, I brought a sense of unpaid debt to those who were probably both capable and better than me, but did not live to see the victory ” [2] .
In 1945-1949 he served in the information bureau of the Soviet military administration in Germany .
He graduated in absentia from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (1949), graduate school there (1952).
In 1953 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences on the topic “Rhine separatism and the policy of national treason of the German bourgeoisie”. [3]
In 1954-1963 he worked in the magazine " International Affairs ".
In 1963–1969, he was an employee of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations ( IMEMO ) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where in 1966 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences on the topic “Fascism and bourgeois society: (Political and social roots of German fascism)” [ 4] ; in 1964–1966, he was simultaneously deputy editor-in-chief of the journal World Economy and International Relations .
In 1968 - 1972 - Head of the Department of the Institute for Concrete Social Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences . In 1972 - 1987 - Head of the Department of the Institute of International Labor Movement of the USSR AS . In 1987 - 1991 - Vice-Rector for Research of the Institute of Social Sciences at the Central Committee of the CPSU .
In 1992 - 2004 - Advisor to the International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Science Research (Gorbachev Foundation).
Since 1997 - Chief Researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Since 1997 - Head of the Center for Policy Theory at the Institute of Comparative Political Science, Russian Academy of Sciences .
For participation in hostilities, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, 2 orders of the Patriotic War and the Medal for Military Merit. For success in research activities in the postwar years, he was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples and the medals For Labor Valor, For Labor Difference, Vernadsky Name and Sorokin Name.
Major Works
The total number of scientific publications is over 300, including 23 books and brochures.
- Galkin A. A., Nakropin O. M. Federal Republic of Germany: (Econ. And political. Position). - M.: Gospolitizdat , 1956. - 83 p.
- Dragon's teeth. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1961. - 56 p.
- Versailles and the Rhine separatists. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR , 1962. - 110 p. ( Popular Science Series of the USSR Academy of Sciences )
- Fascism is the enemy of mankind / cand. ist Sciences A. A. Galkin. - M.: Knowledge , 1962. - 32 p. ( New in life, science, technology . 7th series. International; 12)
- Fascism, Nazism, phalangism. Havana, 1962; Buenos Aires, 1964.
- Galkin A. A., Melnikov D. E. USSR, Western Powers and the German Question (1945-1965) / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of the World Economy and Int. relationship. - M.: Science , 1966. - 263 p.
- German fascism / Acad. sciences USSR, Institute of World Economy and Intern. relationship. - M .: Science, 1967. - 399 p. (2nd ed. - German fascism / Ed. Ed. B.I. Koval ; USSR Academy of Sciences. - 2nd ed., Additional and revised. - M.: Nauka, 1989. - 352 p. ISBN 5- 02-008986-9
- Burlatsky FM , Galkin A. A. Sociology of neo-fascism. - M .: Science, 1971. - 198 p. (Popular Science Series of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
- Sociology. Politics. International relationships. - M .: International Relations , 1974. - 324 p. ; Warsaw, 1978.
- The working class in the social structure of industrialized capitalist countries / [A. A. Galkin, I. N. Faleeva, G. P. Safronov and others; Ed. Collegium: A. A. Galkin (ed.) and others]; USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Intern. labor movement. - M .: Science, 1977. - 335 p.
- Features of reproduction of the working class of developed capitalist countries / [A. A. Galkin, I. N. Faleeva, S. V. Mikhailov and others; Ed. ed. A. A. Galkin]. - M.: Science, 1978. - 304 p.
- Galkin A. A., Shlepakov A. N., Borko Yu. A. , Tsvetkov A. G. The social structure and social policy of developed capitalist countries. / Redkol .: A.N. Shlepakov (prev.) Et al. - K .: Naukova Dumka , 1978. - 187 p.
- Social democratic and bourgeois reformism in the system of state-monopoly capitalism / [A. A. Galkin, A. B. Reznikov, S. I. Velikovsky and others; Ed. ed. A. S. Chernyaev , A. A. Galkin]. - M .: Science, 1980. - 446 p.
- Labor movement in developed capitalist countries. - M .: Knowledge, 1981. - 64 p. (New in life, science, technology)
- The working class in Western Europe: K studied. social the basics of polit. behavior / [A. A. Galkin, S. I. Vasiltsov, A. M. Salmin, S. V. Mikhailov; Ed. ed. A. A. Galkin]. - M .: Science, 1982. - 375 p.
- Modern Leviathan (co-authored with F. M. Burlatsky). M. 1985.
- Political sociology of modern capitalism. F / M 1986 (in it. Language).
- The working class and world development (co-authored with E. V. Klopov ). M. 1987.
- Conservatism in the past and present (co-authored with P. Yu. Rakhshmir ). M. 1987 (in the middle. " History and Modernity ").
- Galkin A. A., Kotov V. N., Krasin Yu. A. , Menshikov S. M. Capitalism Today: Development Paradoxes. - M.: Thought , 1989. - 317 p. ISBN 5-244-00238-4
- The formation of political science. M. 1991.
- The Pitfall: A story about what National Socialism brought to the German workers / Rus.-Amer. union foundation. researches and learning. - M.: B. and., 1995. - 45 p.
- Galkin A. A., Krasin Yu. A. Criticism of Russian Authoritarianism / Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Intern. Social-Economic Fund and politol. researches ( Gorbachev Fund ). - M.: B. and., 1995. - 46 p.
- A. Galkin, Yu. A. Krasin. A Strong Democracy-Alternative to Authoritarianism / Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Intern. Social-Economic Fund and politol. researches (Gorbachev Fund). - M.: IS, 1996. - 47 p.
- Galkin A. A., Krasin Yu. A. Russia at a crossroads. Authoritarianism or democracy: options for development / SPAN. Grew up assoc. watered science. - M.: The whole world , 1998. - 163 p. ISBN 5-7777-0048-9
- Update and stability in modern society. M. 2000. (Ed. Ed. And the head of the group of authors).
- European Social Democracy: Problems and Searches M. 2001. (Ed. Ed. And the head of the group of authors).
- The party system in the West and in Russia: problems and prospects: (Analytical report.) / Institute of Comp. Political Science RAS. - M.: ISP RAS , 2002. - 42 p.
- Galkin A. A., Krasin Yu. A. Russia: Quo vadis? / Institute of Sociology, RAS. - M .: Publishing House of the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003. - 274 p. ISBN 5-89697-071-4
- State and society in the context of globalization: a look on the left. M. 2003. (Ed. Ed. And the head of the group of authors).
- Reflections on politics and political science: a collection / In-t compare. Political Science RAS. - M.: Overlay, 2004. - 278 p. ISBN 5-85493-076-5
- Mikhail Gorbachev and the German Question: a collection of documents, 1986–1991 / Intern. Social-Economic Fund and political science research. Gorbachev Foundation; foreword and comp .: A. A. Galkin, A. S. Chernyaev. - M .: The whole world , 2006. - 670 p. ISBN 5-7777-0364-X
- Socialism and Fascism (seminar). Alternatives - № 1 - 2008
- ↑ Cherkasov P.P. IMEMO. Portrait on the background of the era Archival copy of August 30, 2009 on the Wayback Machine - M .: Worldwide , 2004.
- ↑ They say sociologists - participants of the Great Patriotic War // Sociological studies . 2005. No. 5
- ↑ Galkin, Alexander Abramovich. Rhine separatism and the policy of national treason of the German bourgeoisie: Abstract of the dis. for the competition learned. candidate degree ist. Sciences / Mosk. Order of Lenin State. un-t them. M. V. Lomonosov. East a fact - Moscow: [b. and.], 1953. - 14 pp .;
- ↑ Galkin, Alexander Abramovich. Fascism and bourgeois society: (Political and social. Roots of germ. Fascism): Abstract of thesis. for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences / Institute of World Economy and Intern. relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - Moscow: [b. and.], 1966. - 46 p.
- Radkov O. A. A. A. Galkin on Fascism: A Look at the Turning of Epochs scientific theor conf., dedicated. 75th anniversary of the formation of Kaf. history of new and new time / redkol. : V.S. Koshelev (prev.) [And others], - Minsk: Ed. Center BSU , 2012. - p. 165-170
- Galkin, Alexander Abramovich // Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences
- “Fascism as a disease of society”, a lecture by A. A. Galkin, delivered on May 4, 2004 at the club - the literary cafe “Bilingua” in the framework of the project “Public Lectures to ”