Gray color - dark gray with bluish - whitish shimmer. In plants, the gray color is usually associated with the presence of phytochrome .
Gray | |
HEX | 6082B6 |
RGB ¹ ( r , g , b ) | (96, 130, 182) |
CMYK ( c , m , y , k ) | (47, 29, 0, 29) |
HSV² ( h , s , v ) | (216 °, 47%, 71%) |
Gray color in nature
- Buzulnik gray .
- Gray glue .
- Clematis gray .
- The bluegrass is gray .
- Blue buzzard
- Rock Dove .
- The falcon is gray.
- Bristles are gray .
- Eremocytrus gray .
- The poplar is gray .
See also
- Gray color
- Gray // Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language : in 4 t. / Ed.-comp. V.I. Dahl . - 2nd ed. - SPb. : M.O. Wolf Typography, 1880–1882.