Sergey Grigorievich Kaschenko (born January 17, 1949 , Leningrad ) is a Soviet and Russian historian . Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor , Head of the Department of Source Studies of the History of Russia, Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University .
Sergey G. Kaschenko | ||
Date of Birth | January 17, 1949 (70 years) | |
Place of Birth | Leningrad | |
A country | USSR → Russia | |
Scientific field | Russian history , source study | |
Place of work | SPbSU | |
Alma mater | LSU | |
supervisor | M.K. Gavurin , A.L. Shapiro | |
Awards and prizes |
In 1971 he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics , and in 1975 - the Faculty of History of Leningrad University . His teachers were professors M.K. Gavurin and A.L. Shapiro .
In 1984, Kashchenko graduated from the graduate school at the Faculty of History of Leningrad State University and defended his thesis “Reform on February 19, 1861 in Novgorod Province”, and in 1992 he defended his doctoral dissertation “Reform on February 19, 1861 in North-West Russia (Experience in quantitative analysis of the conditions for ) ".
Since 1993, Sergey G. Kashchenko - Professor , since January 1992 - Head of the Department of Source Studies, Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University. Under his scientific leadership, 12 Ph.D. theses were defended, two students of S. G. Kashchenko became doctors of science.
Daughter Elena (born 1975) - art critic, also teaches at the Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (Department of History of Western European and Russian Culture); is a specialist in film history [1] .
Scientific Activities
He is a prominent scientist specializing in the problems of the history of Russia of the end of the XVIII - beginning of the XX centuries , source study of the history of Russia, methods and techniques of historical research.
One of the first Russian historians who developed the principles and methods of using computer technology and mathematical methods in history.
Founder and Head of the Department of Source Study of Russian History, Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University .
Project manager:
- “Demographic processes in northwest Russia of the end of the XVIII - beginning of the XX centuries” ( 1997 - 1998 ), developed with the support of the Russian Federal Property Fund ;
- "Demographic processes in the Olonets province in the XIX - early XX centuries." ( 2000 - 2002 ), supported by a grant of the RHNF .
The head of research groups from the St. Petersburg State University in the projects:
- joint Russian-American research project on social history and historical demography of the Russian regions in the 19th century (coordinated by Professor Steve L. Hawke, University of Iowa , USA , 1997–1998 );
- Dutch-Russian research project on the study of integral and demographic history (coordinated by Professor P. Koye, University of Groningen , the Netherlands , 1999 - 2003 );
- Belarusian-Russian research project “Comparative analysis of the structure of a palace on the territory of the Russian Empire (second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries)” (coordinated by V. L. Nosevich , Belarusian Scientific Center for Electronic Documentation, Minsk , Belarus , 2001 - 2003 ), supported by joint grant of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research and the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation.
One of the leaders of the direction "Mathematical Methods in Historical Research", a prominent specialist in historical demography.
Candidate dissertation on the topic: “Reform on February 19, 1861 in Novgorod Province. Experience in the use of computers for the quantitative analysis of peasant holdings and payments "(LSU, 1983 ).
In 1992 he defended his doctoral thesis "The reform of February 19, 1861 in the North-West of Russia (Experience in a quantitative analysis of the conditions of implementation)".
He is the author of 109 scientific works, including 15 monographs, textbooks and teaching aids (including reprints). The total number of publications of the author is over 150. A significant part of them concerns the implementation of reforms of 1861 in the North-West of Russia, historical demography, the use of mathematical-statistical methods and computer technologies in historical research. The works of S. G. Kashchenko were published in the USA , Germany , France , Finland , Holland and other countries.
Winner of the prize “For pedagogical excellence” (St. Petersburg State University, 1999 ).
Awarded the badge " Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation " (SPSU, 2009 )
Major Works
Monographs and study guides
- S. Kashchenko. Statistical Methods in Historical Research: (Statistical Description): [Proc. allowance]. - L .: Publishing House of Leningrad State University, 1989. - 74, [1] p.
- S. Kashchenko. Reform February 19, 1861 in the St. Petersburg Province. - L .: Publishing House of Leningrad State University, 1990. - 196, [2] p. - ISBN 5-288-00645-8 .
- S. Kashchenko. Reform of February 19, 1861 in North-West Russia: (Quantitative analysis of mass sources): [Proc. allowance]. - M .: Mosgorahiv, 1995. - 187, [1] p. - ISBN 5-7228-0025-2 .
- S. Kashchenko. The Abolition of Serfdom in the Pskov Province: The Experience of Computer Analysis of the Conditions for Implementing Peasant Reform February 19, 1861 - St. Petersburg. : Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University, 1996. - 157, [1] p. - ISBN 5-288-01578-3 .
- S. Kashchenko. The Abolition of Serfdom in the Moscow Governorate: Second Gender from the History of State Reforms in Russia. XIX century. - SPb. : Publishing House of the North-West Academy of Public Administration, 2001. ( . - 2nd ed. - SPb .: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University, 2002. - 341 p. - ISBN 5-288-03119-3 . )
- S. Kashchenko. The liberation of peasants in North-West Russia: the economic consequences of the reform of February 19, 1861 - M .; St. Petersburg: Alliance-Archeo, 2009. - 552 p. - ISBN 978-5-98874-038-4 .
- Degtyarev A.Ya. , Kashchenko S.G., Raskin DI. Novgorodskaya village in the reform of 1861: the experience of studying using a computer. - L .: Publishing House of Leningrad State University, 1989. - 198, [1] p. - ISBN 5-288-00276-2 .
- History of Russia from ancient times to early. XX century.: Allowance for applicants. - SPb. : Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University, 1992. - 368 p. ( Dvornichenko A.Yu. , Kashchenko S.G., Krivosheev Yu.V. , Florinsky M.F. The History of Russia from Ancient Times to the Beginning of the 20th Century : A Handbook for Applicants. - 2nd ed. - SPb .: Layout, 1998. - 300, [2] p. - ISBN 5-85186-061-8;. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg : Christmas, 2001. - 299, [2] p. - ISBN 5- 89495-065-1 . )
- Dvornichenko A. Yu., Kashchenko S. G., Florinsky M. F. Domestic history (until 1917): [Teach. manual for the discipline "Fatherland. history "for university students]. - M .: Gardariki, 2002. - 447 p. - ISBN 5-8297-013-8. ( . - 2nd ed. - M .: Gardariki, 2005. - 447 p. - ISBN 5-8297-013-8. )
- Historiography and source study of national history: [Coll. scientific Art. and message.] - SPb. : KRISMAS +, 2002. - T. 2. - 341 p. - ISBN 5-89495-102-X.
- Historiography and source study of national history: [Coll. scientific Art. and message.] - SPb. : VNIIG, 2003. - T. 3. - 442 p. - ISBN 5-85529-106-5 .
- Domestic and foreign policy of Russia at the end of the XVIII — XIX centuries: [Sb. documents and materials for seminars and practical classes on the course “Domestic history”]. - M .; St. Petersburg: Alliance-Archeo, 2006. - 519 p. - ISBN 5-98874-004-9 .
- ↑ Kashchenko Elena Sergeevna on the website "Biografika SPbU"
- The article on the website "Biografika SPbGU"
- The page on the website of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University
- Page on the site "Famous scientists"