Artificial heart massage (or indirect heart massage , chest compression ) is a set of measures aimed at maintaining blood circulation in a person when heartbeat stops. There is also a direct massage of the heart - is performed when the surgeon opens the chest.
Indirect Heart Massage Technique
Blood circulation can be restored by clicking on the chest. In this case, the heart is squeezed between the sternum and the spine, and the blood is pushed out of the heart into the vessels. Rhythmic presses mimic heartbeats and restore blood flow. This massage is called indirect, because the lifesaver acts on the heart through the chest.
The victim is laid on his back, always on a hard surface. If he is lying on the bed, he should be put on the floor. The rescuer is standing (full-length or kneeling) on the side of the victim. He puts one palm on the lower half of the patient's sternum so that the fingers are perpendicular to it. Place the other hand on top. Raised fingers do not touch the body. The direct hands of the rescuer are perpendicular to the chest of the victim. Massage produced by rapid jolts, the weight of the whole body, without bending the arms at the elbows. The frequency of compression is 100-120 per minute. The sternum of the patient should sag by one third (about 5 cm for an adult victim). Usually, an indirect heart massage is performed in conjunction with artificial ventilation of the lungs before the arrival of an ambulance or the appearance of signs of biological death , such a set of first-aid measures is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation .
In children, heart massage should be carried out with only one hand, and in infants, with the tips of two fingers with a frequency of 100-120 pressings per minute. The point of application of the fingers in children under 1 year of age is one finger wide than the nipple line. Care should be taken to massage the heart in both children and the elderly, because with a rough massage the ribs may be broken. Breaking the xiphoid process and liver damage is the greatest complication.
The effectiveness of heart massage is estimated by the following features:
- the appearance of a pulse on the carotid artery;
- increase in blood pressure to 60-80 mm Hg. v .;
- constriction of the pupils and the appearance of their reaction to light;
- the disappearance of cyanotic coloration and "deadly" pallor;
- subsequent recovery of spontaneous breathing.
Direct heart massage
It is performed by the surgeon by compressing the heart directly with the hand. It is performed during cardiac arrest during surgery on the internal organs of the chest.
Recovery from cardiopulmonary resuscitation
When breathing and heart activity are restored , the victim , who is unconscious, must be laid on his side to prevent his suffocation with his own sunken tongue or vomit.
The fall of the tongue is often indicated by breathing, reminiscent of snoring, and sharply obstructed breathing. [one]
- ↑ Rules and techniques for carrying out artificial respiration and indirect heart massage - Municipality Kurgan city . The appeal date is May 10, 2016.
See also
- Artificial respiration
- B. R. Gelfand, A. I. Saltanov. Intensive care: National leadership. - GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - T. 1st. - 955 s. - 2000 copies - ISBN 978-5-9704-0937-4 .