Anatolei Akhmedovich Maksidov ( June 28, 1944 in the town of Krasnaya Polyana, Kirovograd Oblast, Ukrainian SSR , January 24, 2008 ) was a Russian historian, writer, genealogist, and ancestor of the genealogical science of Kabardino-Balkaria .
Anatoly Akhmedovich Maksidov | |
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He graduated from the Lvov military-political school of the Soviet Army and Navy . He served on the Pacific and Baltic fleets, captain of the 2nd rank of the reserve (since 1989 ).
Candidate of Historical Sciences (dissertation topic “Historical and genealogical connections of the Circassians with the peoples of the Black Sea Region”, 2001 [1] ). General Secretary of the Russian Genealogical Federation, Vice-President of the Russian Genealogical Federation, Corresponding Member of the Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences, Head of the Genealogy and Heraldry Sector of the Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Humanitarian Studies. Member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation . Full member of the Historical and Genealogical Society in Moscow. Chairman of the Kabardino-Balkaria historical-pedigree society.
- Risen hundred. Historical tale. - Nalchik, 1984
- Essays on the history of the Pacific Fleet Theater , 1983
- Kalibatovs : Famil. encyclical / - Nalchik: El-Fa: KBIRO, 1998. - 164, [2] pp .: 500 copies. - ISBN 5-88195-303-7 .
- Azhakhovs / - Nalchik: El-Fah, 1999. - 156, [3] pp .: - (Family encyclopedia). - 500 copies - ISBN 5-88195-345-2 .
- Haptsey, Pysho, Azapsha : Famil. encyclical : [East-etnogr. materials] / - Nalchik: Izd. Center "El-Fa", 1997.: p. 347 (30 titles.). - 11,000 copies - ISBN 5-88195-260-X .
- Historical and genealogical connections of the Circassians with the peoples of the Black Sea region : Author's abstract. dis. on the competition scholarly step. Ph.D. n : Spec. 07.00.02 / [Kabard.-Balk. state un-t them. H. M. Berbekova]. - Nalchik, 2001. - 99 copies.
- Pedigree of the Kabardian Princes of Cherkasy 1460–2003 // Genealogy of the North Caucasus No. 7 of 2003
- Genealogy of Gatagazhevykh-Getigezhevykh / - Nalchik: El-Fa, 2002. - 273, [3] p., Bibliogr. in a note .: - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-88195-540-4 (V lane).
- Circassians and Black Sea nations / - Nalchik: Elbrus, 2003. Bibliogr. in note .: p. 107-117. - 500 copies - ISBN 5-7680-1923-5 .
- Pedigree Zhambeyev / - Nalchik: El-Fa, 2004. - 272, [3] p .: Part of the text on the cabard. lang - Bibliogr. In the snapshot. approx. - 500 copies - ISBN 5-88195-634-6 .
- Genealogy Tarchokovyh / - Nalchik: Republican polygraphic combine them. Revolutions of 1905: El-Fa, 2006. - 284, [2] p. : 500 copies - ISBN 5-88195-760-1
Reports at scientific conferences
- I scientific-practical conference "Genealogy of the North Caucasian Enlighteners", Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Humanitarian Studies, Nalchik, March 2002 \\ of the journal "Genealogy of the North Caucasus" No. 2, Nalchik, 2002
- II scientific-practical conference "Genealogy of the North Caucasian Enlightenment", Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Humanitarian Studies, Nalchik, September 2002 \\ the journal "Genealogy of the North Caucasus" No. 4, Nalchik, 2002 [2]
- International Conference on Heraldry, Dublin, 2002 - Report on the System of Adyghean Signs and Symbols . [3]
- All-Russian Conference "Nobles of the North Caucasus in the historical, cultural and economic development of the region", Krasnodar, December 2002 - report On the question of the formation and development of the Adyghe genealogy . [3]
- XX International Scientific Conference "Auxiliary Historical Disciplines - Source Study - Historical Methodology in the System of Humanitarian Knowledge", Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 2008 - Report "Yedi M. Shardanova Population List of the Kabardian People" first half of the nineteenth century . [four]
- VI All-Russian Scientific Conference "Problems of General and Regional Onomastics", Adyghe State University, Maikop, 2008 - report Circassian anthroponymy of Terek Sloboda of the first half of the XVII century. [five]
Publications in scientific journals
In the “Genealogical Bulletin” for the period (2003–2007) [1] : 2007, No. 28, pp. 6, 9; No. 29, pp. 18, 86; № 30 p.17, 18; No. 31. p. 19 // 2006, No. 27, p. 21 // 2005, No. 22, p. 5 // 2004, No. 17, p. 5, 6, 11 // 2003, No. 13, p. 6; № 14, p. 11; № 15, p.5, 9, 12.
- ↑ List of defended dissertations
- ↑ Cultural Information Agency (not available link) . The appeal date is October 14, 2008. Archived October 19, 2008.
- ↑ 1 2 Circassians (Circassians). History - Formation and development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Historical and Genealogical Society (inaccessible link)
- ↑ XX International Scientific Conference "Auxiliary Historical Disciplines - Source Study - Historical Methodology in the System of Humanitarian Knowledge" - RGGU.RU Neopr (Inaccessible link) . The date of circulation is October 14, 2008. Archived January 31, 2008.
- ↑ (inaccessible link)