Media Education ( English media literacy ) is a relatively recent term that refers to studying the impact of mass media and other communications (including the press , television and radio broadcasting , advertising, cinema , the Internet with all its applications) as part of the training of workers in this sphere, and in relation to what everyone needs to know in order to master information and communication technologies, which is expressed by the term “ media literacy”, or “ media competence ” (meaning media competence ) It is intended to use communication media), including as a developed ability to master the so-called media texts ( media texts ), which implies an understanding of the humanitarian, anthropological, social, cultural and political context of the functioning of the communication media and the ways they use to represent reality. "Media Education" includes film education . [one]
Understanding “media education” implies highlighting Marshall McLuhan’s “Media is a Message” as the leading principle, which means that communication media (and in this capacity, according to M. McLuhan, any artifacts should be understood) on their own should be considered as the strength of the formation of man, culture and society. [2]
- ↑ Fedorov A.V. Media Education // The Great Russian Encyclopedia . V. 17. M .: The Great Russian Encyclopedia , 2012. P. 480.
- ↑ McLuhan, M. Understanding Media: External Human Extensions = Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. - M .: Kuchkovo Pole, 2007. - 464 p.
- Media education: a polemical view / Razlogov K.. , A. V. Sharikov, and others. - Collected papers. - M .: MOO WFP UNESCO "Information for All", 2006. - 42 p.
- Selivanov NL Computer pedagogy in the art education of children and adolescents. Theoretical foundations and experience of implementation. - Monograph. - M .: Krasand, 2011. - 160 p. - ISBN 978-5-396-00379-8 ..
- Usov Yu. N. In the world of screen arts . - A textbook for high school students. - M .: SvR-Argus, 1995. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-86949-014-6 .
- Fedorov AV The development of media competence and critical thinking of students of a pedagogical university . - Monograph. - M .: MOO WFP, UNESCO Information for All, 2007. - 616 p. - ISBN 978-5-98517-064-1 .
- Fedorov A.V. Media Education: History, Theory and Methodology . - Monograph. - Rostov-on-Don: Central Waterways, 2001. - 708 p. - ISBN 5-94153-011-0 ..
- Sharikov A.V. Media Education: Worldwide and Domestic Experience. - Brochure. - M .: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR , 1990. - 65 p.
- Media education at school / Vartanova, EL , Smirnova, OV, V. , et al. - Collection of programs for teaching disciplines. - M .: MediaMir, 2010. - 320 p. - ISBN 978-5-91832-025-9 .
- Fedorov AV On Media Education . - Moscow: ICOS UNESCO "Information for All", 2008. - 156 p. - ISBN 978-5-98517-070-2 .
- Thurin VP Mass communication (research experience of the West). M .: Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences , 1999.
- Terin V.P. Mass Communication (Study of the Experience of the West). M .: 2000 (second edition, revised and enlarged).
- Terin V.P. In the conditions of electronic communication environment. // Bulletin of MGIMO-University. - 2014. - № 6. - p. 68-72. ( ).