Plaun , or Lycopopodium ( lat. Lycopódium ) is a genus of plants of the family Plunovye ( Lycopodiaceae ).
Moan | |||||||||||||||||
Plaun mace is a type species of the genus Plaun. General view of the plant. Germany. | |||||||||||||||||
Scientific classification | |||||||||||||||||
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International Scientific Name | |||||||||||||||||
Lycopodium L. , 1753 | |||||||||||||||||
Synonyms | |||||||||||||||||
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Typical view | |||||||||||||||||
Lycopodium clavatum [1] - Plaun claviform | |||||||||||||||||
Botanical description
Evergreen perennial herbs , mostly with dichotomous branching.
Creeping shoots with ascending branches.
Leaves (phylloids) are alternate or in verticils , from linear to lanceolate .
Sporophyllus in dense strobilas . Spores germinate three to eight years after the rash. Saprophytic gametophyte with mycorrhiza develops from 2 to 16 years.
Distribution and habitat
The genus contains several dozen species , widely represented from the tundra to the tropics , mainly in the Northern Hemisphere .
Reproduction of spores and vegetative - rooting of branches, brood buds , nodules . For some species, the formation of clumps in the form of "witch rings" is characteristic.
Practical value
Types of moss are used as medicinal, dyeing, cosmetic and ornamental plants.
In scientific medicine, spores are used (usually bountiful clavoid) - formerly in Russia they were called lycopodium , or moss seed - for making baby powder, pouring pills . Spores contain up to 50% fatty non-drying oils , alkaloids , phenolic acids , proteins , sugars , and mineral salts . Along with the spores of this species, the spores of annual plains and oblate are used [2] .
Procurement of spores is made at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, after yellowing of the spore-bearing spikelets. Spikelets are cut with scissors or a sharp knife, usually in wet weather, folding into bags of dense fabric, then dried in the open air and sieved through a fine sieve to separate the spores.
In folk medicine, spores of moss are used as a healing agent for filling wounds , burns , frostbite , eczema , boils , lichen erysipelas . The stems are used for diseases of the bladder , liver , respiratory organs , during urinary incontinence , stomach pain , with hemorrhoids , dyspepsia and rheumatism .
The shoots of boulder-barantz are used as an emetic , laxative remedy for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and smoking . The whole plant of bovine morass contains a poisonous alkaloid of selyagins , therefore the treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
In veterinary medicine, plauns are oblate and baranets, for the treatment of diarrhea in cows . The broth from the shoots also has an insecticidal effect, they wash animals (cows, horses , sheep , pigs ) to protect against parasites .
In cosmetology, pluuns are used for furunculosis and against baldness .
Spores are also used in metallurgy for sprinkling molds during shaped casting - when burned, they form a layer of gases that prevent the product from sticking and give the metal a smooth surface.
In pyrotechnics, spores are sometimes added to bengal lights .
He played an important role in the action of the Cave .
The stems of all species of plaun give a blue dye suitable for dyeing fabrics.
The genus includes 70 species [3] .
- Lycopodium alboffii Rolleri
- Lycopodium alticola ching
- Lycopodium annotinum L. - Plaun year , type of temperate zone
- Lycopodium arcturi ( Herter ) CVMorton
- Lycopodium berggrenii ( Nessel ) Herter
- Lycopodium casuarinoides Spring
- Lycopodium centrochinense Ching
- Lycopodium chrysocaulos Hook. & Grev.
- Lycopodium clavatum L. typus - Plaun mace , type of temperate zone
- Lycopodium complanatum L. - Plaun oblate
- Lycopodium confertum Willd.
- Lycopodium cryptomerianum Maxim.
- Lycopodium dendroideum Michx.
- Lycopodium dubium Zoëga
- Lycopodium erectum Phil.
- Lycopodium gayanum J.Rémy & Fée
- Lycopodium helveticum L.
- Lycopodium hickeyi WHWagner , Beitel & RCMoran
- Lycopodium hippuris E.Desv. ex poir.
- Lycopodium interjectum Ching & HSKung
- Lycopodium japonicum Thunb.
- Lycopodium juniperistachyum Hayata
- Lycopodium jussiaei Desv. ex poir.
- Lycopodium lagopus ( Laest. Ex C.Hartm. ) Zinserl. ex Kuzen.
- Lycopodium magellanicum ( P.Beauv. ) Sw.
- Lycopodium minchegense Ching
- Lycopodium montanum Underw. & FELloyd
- Lycopodium multispicatum JHWilce
- Lycopodium neopungens HSKung & Li Bing Zhang - Crypus spiny
- Lycopodium nummularifolium Blume
- Lycopodium obscurum L. - Plaun dark
- Lycopodium paniculatum Desv. ex poir.
- Lycopodium pseudoclavatum Ching
- Lycopodium pulcherrimum Hayata
- Lycopodium reflexum (P.Beauv.) Sw.
- Lycopodium schwackei ( H.Christ ) Herter
- Lycopodium simulans Ching & HSKung
- Lycopodium sintenisii (Herter) Maxon ex C.Chr.
- Lycopodium staudtii CDAdams & Alston
- Lycopodium suffruticosum (Alderw.) Herter
- Lycopodium taliense ching
- Lycopodium thyoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex willd. mode of temperate zone
- Lycopodium veitchii H.Christ
- Lycopodium vestitum Desv. ex poir.
- Lycopodium wightianum grev. & Hook.
- Lycopodium yueshanense CMKuo
- Lycopodium zonatum ching
- Some species previously attributed to plauns, but now placed in other genera.
- Lycopodium juniperoides Sw. - Juniper plamo = Dendrolycopodium juniperoideum (Sw.) A.Haines, 2003
- Lycopodium selago L. - Plaun baranets = Huperzia selago ( L. ) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. , 1829
- ↑ NCU-3e. Names in current use for extant plant genera. Electronic version 1.0. Entry for Lycopodium L. (Eng.) (Retrieved February 8, 2012)
- ↑ Blinov KF and others. Botanico-pharmacognostic dictionary: Ref. manual / Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovlev. - M .: Higher. school, 1990. - p. 224. - ISBN 5-06-000085-0-0 .
- ↑ The Plant List : Lycopodium
- Sergievskaya E. V. Systematics of Higher Plants: A Practical Course. - SPb. : Lan, 2002. - pp. 38-42. - 448 s. - ISBN 5-8114-0452-2 .
- Elin E. Ya., Zerova M. Ya. And others. Gifts of forests. - K .: Harvest, 1979. - p. 34-36. - 392 s. (in Ukrainian)
- Plune // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : in 86 tons (82 tons and 4 extra). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
- Moong on the USDA NRCS website (English) (Verified June 28, 2010)
- Detailed taxonomy of moons on Checklist of World Ferns (Eng.) (Tested on June 28, 2010)