Tatyana Alexandrovna Kasatkina (born September 30, 1963 , Moscow ) is a Russian literary critic , cultural studies specialist, religious scholar, and writer. Specialist in the field of the theory of culture, the theory of literature, philosophy, religious studies, works of F. M. Dostoevsky , Russian literature of the 19th — 21st centuries.
Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kasatkina | |
Date of Birth | |
Place of Birth | |
A country | |
Scientific field | literary studies , cultural studies , religious studies |
Place of work | IMLI RAS |
Alma mater | MGPI them. V.I. Lenin (1986) |
Academic degree | |
Known as | Dostoevist , Chairman of the Commission for the Study of the Creative Heritage of F. M. Dostoevsky Scientific Council "History of World Culture" of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Awards and prizes | New World Magazine Prize 1997 |
Site |
Doctor of Philology (2000). Chairman of the Commission for the Study of the Creative Heritage of F. M. Dostoevsky Scientific Council "History of World Culture" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Center "Dostoevsky and World Culture" of the IMLI them. A. M. Gorky RAS . Member of the International Society of F. M. Dostoevsky (International Dostoevsky Society) [1] . Member of the Board of the Russian Society F. M. Dostoevsky. Member of the editorial board of the Dostoevsky and World Culture almanac, member of the editorial board of the Dostoevsky and Modernity Yearbook, member of the editorial board of the Dostoevsky Monograph International Society. Author of 7 monographs, the story “Copy” [2] , a textbook for the course “Religion, Culture, Art” (first edition) [3] , over 300 scientific articles, editor of many collections of works by Russian and foreign scientists.
- In 1986 she graduated from the philological faculty of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MGPI).
- In 1991 she graduated from the main postgraduate course IMLI them. A. M. Gorky, was hired by the Department of Theory of Literature as a researcher , and after defending his PhD thesis (1992) - a senior researcher. From the moment of acceptance to work until 1996 she was the scientific secretary of the Scientific Council "Science of Literature in the Context of the Science of Culture", headed by A. V. Mikhailov .
- Since 1996, a regular contributor to the magazine " New World ".
- Since 1999, the permanent scientific adviser of the April youth readings "Works of F. M. Dostoevsky in the Perception of Readers of the 21st Century" in the city of Staraya Russa (from the beginning of their conduct) [4]
- In 2000 she defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philology.
- Since 2000 he has been working as a leading researcher at IMLI. A. M. Gorky RAS.
- In 2001 she created and headed the Commission for the Study of the Works of F. M. Dostoevsky IMLI. A. M. Gorky RAS (now - the Commission for the Study of the Creative Heritage of F. M. Dostoevsky Scientific Council "History of World Culture" RAS).
- In 2001—2007 - Professor of the Department of History of World Culture at the RSU of Oil and Gas. I. M. Gubkin [5] (optional course "Religion, culture, art").
- In 2005 - 2011, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (special seminar "Continuity in the individual style of the writer: the works of F. M. Dostoevsky"; special course "Religion and Literature").
- In 2009 - 2010 and. about. Head, in 2010-2019 - Head of the Department of Theory of Literature IMLI them. A. M. Gorky RAS.
- From 2018 - chief editor of the magazine "Dostoevsky and world culture. Philological Journal "IMLI RAN.
- From February 2019 - Head of the Center "Dostoevsky and World Culture" of Imlí. A. M. Gorky RAS.
Scientific Activities
TA Kasatkina is one of the most respected Russian specialists in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky. She authored 7 monographs and more than 300 scientific articles. A number of her works, in addition to Russia, was published in England, USA, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Japan, China, etc. In 2001, she created and headed the Commission for the Study of the Works of F. M. Dostoevsky IMLI them. A. M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under the heading of which a number of collections of scientific works and monographs devoted to Dostoevsky’s works were published. She prepared for publication a new collection of works by F. M. Dostoevsky, built on the chronological principle, according to which, in addition to works, each volume contains works related to a given period in the writer's life and reminders of her contemporaries, with their own accompanying articles and commentaries, including, in addition to traditional literary scholarship, semantic, interpretative commentary [6] . Under the supervision of T. A. Kasatkina several dissertations on Dostoevsky were defended.
He is a member of the International Society of Dostoevsky, a member of the Board of the Russian Society of Dostoevsky, a member of the editorial board of the anthology “Dostoevsky and World Culture”, the editorial board of the annual “Dostoevsky and Modernity” and the editorial board of the International Society of Dostoevsky for the release of the Dostoevsky Monograph series. Repeatedly held scientific and practical seminars and gave lectures in different cities of Russia (Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Rostov Veliky, Veliky Novgorod, Barnaul, Staraya Russa, etc.), since 2009, at the invitation of the Catholic movement Comunione e Liberazione annually lectures about Dostoevsky and about Russian culture in universities and schools of Italy (Rome, Milan, Florence, Bari, Venice, etc.). Since 1999, the April Youth Reading has been held annually. Dostoevsky in the perception of readers of the XXI century "in the city of Staraya Russa (since the beginning of their appearance) and autumn seminars for philology teachers in Veliky Novgorod.
The studies of T. A. Kasatkina are mainly devoted to the ontology of a word in culture, its creative nature, the nature of image, and are theoretical studies carried out at the interface of literary theory, cultural studies, philosophy, religious studies and other sciences. Often they affect and reveal the most complex problems of religion, mysticism, symbolism, the ontological nature of things on the material of the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, A. P. Chekhov, A. A. Blok and others.
On radio and television
- On October 18, 2006, she took part in A. Kostinsky's program “Education” on Radio Liberty . Subject of the program: “Schoolchildren’s research work on the example of the Dostoevsky program through the eyes of readers of the 21st century” [7]
- On November 10, 2011, she gave a lecture on “The Karamazov Brothers: The Image of the World and Man” on the Kultura TV channel in the ACADEMIA project [8]
- November 26, 2012 took part in the program I. Popova "Culture" on the radio "New Life". The theme of the program: “Is Dostoevsky relevant today?” [9]
- in 2013-2018 participated in the talk show “Bead Game” by Igor Volgin on the Russia-Culture TV channel (issues devoted to the works of FM Dostoevsky: "Idiot" [10] , "Crime and Punishment" [11] , "Notes from the underground " [12] ," The Brothers Karamazov " [13] ," Meek " [14] ).
- 1997 - New World Magazine Prize.
- 2015 - Prize of the journal "Questions of Literature".
- 2018 - Long-list of the Literary Prize named after Alexander Pyatigorsky.
- Kasatkina T.A. Characteristic Dostoevsky. M .: Heritage, 1996. [15]
- Kasatkina T.A. About the creative nature of the word. The ontology of a word in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky as the basis of "realism in the highest sense." M .: IMLI RAN, 2004. [16]
- Tat'jana Kasatkina. Dal paradiso all'inferno: I confini dell'umano in Dostoevskij / a cura di Elena Mazzola. Castel Bolognese: Itakalibri, 2012. - 218 p.
- Tat'jana Kasatkina. Dostoevskij. Il sacro nel profano / prefazione di Uberto Motta, traduzione i cura di Elena Mazzola. Milano: BUR Saggi, 2012. - 314 p.
- Tat'jana Kasatkina. È Cristo che vive in te. Dostoevskij. L'immagine del mondo e dell'uomo: l'icona e il quadro / Prefazione di Julián Carrón. - Castel Bolognese: ITACA, 2012. - 112 p.
- Kasatkina Tatiana. Sacred in everyday: a two-part image in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky. - M .: IMLI RAN, 2015. - 528 p.
- T. Kasatkina. Gli Scritti dal sottosuolo come testo cristiano // Fedor M. Dostoevskij. Scritti dal sottosuolo / a cura di Tat'jana Aleksandrovna Kasatkina, Elena Mazzola. Editrice LA SCUOLA, 2016. P. 179-332. - 7 al.
Book Editor
- Roman FM Dostoevsky "Idiot": The current state of the study: Collection of works of domestic and foreign scientists / Ed. T. A. Kasatkina. - M .: Heritage, 2001. - 560 p. [17]
- Literary criticism as a problem / Ch. ed. T. A. Kasatkina. M., 2001.- 37.5 al.
- F. M. Dostoevsky and Orthodoxy / Publicistic collection about the works of F. M. Dostoevsky. - M., 2003.
- Collected Works of F. M. Dostoevsky in 9 vol. / Ed., Introd. articles, comments. and so on T. A. Kasatkina. - M .: Astrel, AST, 2003—2004.
- Dostoevsky: Additions to the comment / Ed. T. A. Kasatkina; Institute of World Literature them. A. M. Gorky. - M .: Science, 2005. - 694 p.
- Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov": the current state of learning / Ed. T. A. Kasatkina; Institute of World Literature them. A. M. Gorky. - M .: Science, 2007. - 835 p.
- Dostoevsky and XX century / Ed. T.A. Kasatkina. In 2 tons. - Moscow: IMLI RAS, 2007. - T. I — II.
- Dostoevsky F. M. Favorite / Comp., Int. Art., comments. T.A. Kasatkina. Institute of social thought. - M .: ROSSPAN, 2010. - Series: Library of Russian social thought from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century.
and etc.
- ↑ International Dostoevsky Society (not available link) . The appeal date is April 19, 2009. Archived January 31, 2010.
- ↑ Magazine room | Library of the magazine 'New World' Archival copy of October 6, 2014 on the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Textbook for the course “Religion, Culture, Art”
- ↑ April youth readings
- ↑ Reference book of the Professor of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I. M. Gubkin | RGU Oil and Gas
- Collected Works of F. M. Dostoevsky in 9 vol. / Ed., Introd. articles, comments. and so on T. A. Kasatkina. - M .: Astrel, AST, 2003—2004
- ↑ Radio Liberty - “Schoolchildren’s research works on the example of the program“ Dostoevsky through the eyes of readers of the 21st century ””
- ↑ Tatyana Kasatkina. “The Brothers Karamazov”: the image of the world and man ", the TV channel" Culture ", the project" ACADEMIA "
- Radio New Life - “Is Dostoevsky relevant today?”
- ↑ "The game of beads." Fedor Dostoevsky - Idiot
- ↑ "The game of beads." Fedor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
- ↑ "The game of beads." Fedor Dostoevsky - Notes from the Underground
- ↑ "The game of beads." Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Karamazov Brothers
- ↑ "The game of beads." Fedor Dostoevsky - Meek
- ↑ Magazine room | Library of the magazine 'New World' Archival copy of October 8, 2014 on the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Magazine room | Library of the magazine 'New World' Archival copy of October 8, 2014 on the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Deborah A Archival copy of November 8, 2008 on the Wayback Machine
- Kasatkina, Tatyana Alexandrovna in the " Journal Hall "
- Page T. A. Kasatkina on the site "Faith and Time"
- Page TA Kasatkina on the site IMLI them. A. M. Gorky RAS
- The official page of Tatyana Kasatkina in the social network " VKontakte "