"Dinosaur Invasion" - a popular science film about dinosaurs, revealing the main questions about their lives and the causes of extinction.
Dinosaur invasion | |
Invasion Of The Robot Dinosaurs | |
Genre | popular science film A film for children |
Producer | Jonathan Eyre |
Producer | Jonathan Eyre Carlos Gwedes |
Author script | Jonathan Eyre |
In the main cast | Ken Knight Dawn Hillsappl Matthew Frank |
Composer | Jonathan Eyre |
Film company | Rhino Home Video / Records |
Duration | 30 min. |
A country | USA |
Year | 1988 |
All dinosaurs in the Dalassian Museum of Natural History, such as Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops and many others come to life after many years of exposure and come to life . And the story begins about their life in the past , about their nature , and then goes through the identification and study of the possible causes of the extinction of the dinosaurs themselves.
Interesting Facts
- The film is popular science, but to a greater extent it is intended for a children's audience.
- The causes of dinosaur extinction are explored in a fun and easy to understand manner.
- The film uses game episodes with the participation of children's artists.
- Also used are dinosaur drawings, engravings and animation that describe the life of dinosaurs.
- Jonathan Eyre was originally a screenwriter, producer and director, and later took up a career as a musician and DJ (DJ Wolf)
See also
- Dinosaurs
- Tyrannosaurus
- Triceratops
- List of dinosaur movies
- Movie "Dinosaur Invasion" on movies.yahoo.com
- The film "The Invasion of Dinosaurs" (English) on the site Rotten Tomatoes
- Article on Jonathan Eyre