Pierre Leveque (Levesque) ( 1736 - 1812 ) - French historian, originally engraver.
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Having published several articles on philosophy, Diderot's attention was drawn to his person. The latter recommended Leveque to Catherine the Great , after which Leveque was invited to teach in St. Petersburg in the Cadet Corps ( Imperial Landschool Cadet Corps ). During this time, he collected extensive material on the history of France, Russia and ancient Greece. Returning to Paris, he processed this material.
At the end of 1781, his five-volume “History of Russia” ( Fr. Histoire de Russie) was published, which covered all periods of the country's history, and until the publication of the “ History of the Russian State ” by N. M. Karamzin , in Russian noble families was the main source on the history of Russia [4] and about which the Russian historian wrote that "although it has many flaws, it is better than anyone else." According to Karamzin: “Levek, a Writer, is not without talent, not without virtues; he thinks quite well, he speaks quite neatly, he judges fairly fairly; but his brush is weak, the paints are not alive; syllable is correct, logical, but not fast. Besides, Russia is not his mother; not our blood flows in his veins; Can he speak of Ruski with such a feeling as Ruska? In total, I no longer love him for humiliating Peter the Great ... ” [5] . German and Russian historian A. L. Schlötzer , paying tribute to Leveque’s work, noted: “It’s impossible to argue that someone from foreigners wrote something more tolerable about Russian history and at the same time as complete as this Levek” [6] .
The first volume of the “History of Russia” includes materials from the settlement of the Slavs and the vocation of the Varangians until 1212, the second - from the reign of Yury Vsevolodovich to 1533, the third - from the beginning of the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible to the end of the Time of Troubles , in the fourth - from the election to throne of Mikhail Fedorovich until 1713, in the fifth - from 1713 until the reign of Empress Catherine II .
In 1783, together with the second edition of his essay on Russia, his two-volume "History of the peoples under Russian rule , or the continuation of the history of Russia" was published ( fr . Histoire des diffénts peoples souls a la domination des russes ou suite de l'Histoire de Russie ) .
Shortly after the publication of the History of Russia, Ekaterina II, having painfully perceived his view on the history of Russia, decided to write a critical essay “Notes on Russian history” (1783) [7] as a response and one of the motivating reasons. In her letter to M. Grimm, she wrote: “It will be an antidote to villains who humiliate Russian history, what Leclerc and his teacher Levek are, both cattle and, do not be angry, dull and stupid cattle” [8] .
- ↑ 1 2 BNF ID : 2011 open data platform .
- ↑ 1 2 Committee of historical and scientific works - 1834.
- ↑ List of professors College de France
- ↑ Andreev V.V. Pierre-Charles Leveque on the Russian Truth of Yaroslav the Wise . cyberleninka.ru. The appeal date is November 4, 2018.
- ↑ Karamzin N.M. Letters of the Russian Traveler / Ed. under Yu. M. Lotman, N. A. Marchenko, B. A. Uspensky; rep. ed. D. S. Likhachev. - L .: Science, 1984. - p. 252-253. - 720 s.
- ↑ Schlözer AL Nestor. Russische Annalen. - Göttingen, 1802. - p. 110.
- ↑ Andreev V. The history of ancient Russia in the coverage of French historians of the second half of the XVIII century. (works of P.-Sh. Leveque and N.-G. Leclerc). | Russian field . suzhdenia.ruspole.info. The appeal date is November 4, 2018.
- ↑ Letters of Empress Catherine II to Grimm (1774-1796) // Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. - SPb, 1878. - p. 274.
- Leveque, Peter-Karl // Russian Biographical Dictionary : in 25 volumes. - SPb. - M. , 1896-1918.
- Pierre-Charles Leveque . The history of the peoples subordinate to Russia. Experimental per. with fr. Cand. filol. Sciences LF Sahibgareevoy ed. Cand. ist Sciences I.V. Kuchumova; Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N. N. Miklukho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - SPb .: Dmitry Bulanin, 2016. - 480 p.
- Masson W. Secret notes on Russia during the reign of Catherine II and Paul I. Observations of the Frenchman who lived at the court, court morals, demonstrating an extraordinary observation and awareness of the author. M., New Literary Review, 1996.
- Stroyev A. Russia through the eyes of the French of the XVIII - beginning of the XIX century // Logos 1991-2005. Selected: In 2 vols. V. 2. - M .: Territory of the Future Publishing House, 2006.