Sertoynes Sarensis ( port. Mesorregião dos Sertões Cearenses ) is an administrative-statistical mezoregion in Brazil , part of the state of Ceara . The population is 869,778 people (for 2010). Area - 46 250,894 km ². The population density is 18.81 people / km².
According to information collected during the 2010 census by the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the population of the mezoregion is:
in% of the population of the state |
- Gross domestic product for 2003 is 1 610 354 612.00 reais (data: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ).
- The gross domestic product per capita for 2003 is 1942.10 reais (data: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ).
- The human development index for 2000 is 0.628 (data: United Nations Development Program ).
Composition of the
The mezoregion includes the following microregions:
- Sertan di crateus
- Sertan di Injamuns
- Sertan di cicarambine
- Sertan di Senador Pompeu