The extreme west of the state of Bahia ( port. Mesorregião do Extremo Oeste Baiano ) is the administrative-statistical mesoregion in Brazil , part of the state of Bahia . The population is 579,253 people (as of 2010). Area - 117,437.949 km². The population density is 4.93 people / km².
According to information collected during the 2010 census by the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the population of the mesoregion is:
% of state population |
- The gross domestic product for 2003 is 3,474,978,240.00 reais (data: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ).
- The gross domestic product per capita for 2003 is 6848.02 reais (data: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ).
- The 2000 Human Development Index is 0.627 (data: UN Development Program ).
Composition of the Mesoregion
The following microregions are included in the mesoregion:
- Barreiras
- Kotezhipi
- Santa Maria da Vitoria