Domanyovka ( Ukrainian Domanivka ) is a urban-type settlement, the regional center of Domanevsky district of the Nikolaev region of Ukraine .
Settlement | |||||
Domanevka | |||||
ukr Domanivka | |||||
| |||||
A country | ![]() | ||||
Status | district center | ||||
Region | Nikolaevkskaya area | ||||
Area | Domanevsky district | ||||
History and geography | |||||
Based | 1805 | ||||
PGT with | 1956 | ||||
Square | 4.07 km² | ||||
Center height | |||||
Timezone | UTC + 2 , in the summer UTC + 3 | ||||
Population | |||||
Population | 5972 [1] people ( 2019 ) | ||||
Digital identifiers | |||||
Telephone code | +380 5152 | ||||
Postcode | 56401 | ||||
Car code | BE, NOT / 15 | ||||
Koatuu | |||||
As of the beginning of 1893, Domanevka was a trading place of the Ananyevsky district of the Kherson province , there were 864 inhabitants, there were several trading shops and a Jewish synagogue, and bazaars were regularly held [2] .
After the start of World War II , on August 5, 1941, German-Romanian troops occupied Domanevka. It housed the military commandant's office. In the collective farm stables, the fascists created a “death camp” [3] , where they tortured and shot about 20 thousand people from the Domanevsky district, Odessa and Moldova. March 28, 1944 Domanevka released from the occupiers.
In January 1959 the population was5151 people [4] .
In January 1989, the population was 7149 people [5] .
In May 1995, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the decision on the privatization of reinforced concrete products [6] and district agricultural machinery [7] located in the village.
As of January 1, 2013, the population was 6194 people [8] .
Famous residents
Nikolay Pavlovich Boreyko - a physics teacher in Domanevka, master of sports in drafts composition, winner of the Ukrainian championships in drafts composition .
- ↑ The number of the apparent population of Ukraine is 1 September 2019. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2019. p.53
- ↑ Domanevka // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : 86 t. (82 t. And 4 extra.). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
- ↑ Charles King Odessa. The greatness and death of the city of dreams. 2014, ISBN 978-5-98695-054-9
- ↑ All-Union census of 1959
- ↑ All-Union Population Census of 1989. The urban population of the Union republics, their territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by sex
- ↑ " 845594 Domanіvsky plant of concrete concrete virobiv "
Postanov Kabіnetu minіstrіv Ukraine № 343a vid 15 grass 1995 r. "Perelіk ob'єkіv, scho pіdlyagayut obov'yazkovіy privatizatsі y 1995 rotsі" - ↑ " 905847 Domanіvske rayonne p_dpriєєstvo on virobnichom і materіalno-tehnіchnomu obezhepechennyu "
Postanova Kabіnetu minіstrіv Ukraine ни 343b vid 15 grass 1995 r. "Perelіk ob'єkіv, scho pіdlyagayut obov'yazkovіy privatizatsі y 1995 rotsі" - ↑ The number of the apparent population of Ukraine on 1 September 2013. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2013. Store.83