Suffet is the name of the two main officials ( magistrates ) in Tire , as well as in northern Africa, on the territory of the Carthage Republic . Usually they were supreme judges. During hostilities, often - commanders. In ancient Israel, the so-called military leaders and judges.
Heb. Shôphet, shofet שופט "judge", lat. sufes , genitive sufetis.
Suffetes existed from the V century BC. e. They were elected annually at public meetings.
See also
- Age of Judges
- “Hellenization of the political structure of the cities of Phenicia”, Yu. B. Tsirkin , Studies and publications on the history of the ancient world. Edited by Professor E. D. Frolov. Issue 3. St. Petersburg, 2004.
- Suffet - an article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia .