The Christian Democratic Union ( German: Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands , CDU) is a conservative party in East Germany in 1945-1990.
Christian Democratic Union | |
Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands | |
Leader | Herald Gotting |
Founding date | June 26, 1945 |
Date of dissolution | October 3, 1990 |
Headquarters | Berlin , GDR |
Ideology | Christian democracy Christian socialism |
Allies and blocks | SED LDPG NPD DKPG National Front of the GDR German Social Union Democratic breakthrough Alliance for Germany |
Number of members | |
Motto | Ex oriente pax |
Seats in the People's Chamber | 1 convocation 67/500 10 convocation 163/400 |
Seats in the House of Lands | 1 convocation 9/63 3 convocation 7/63 |
Party print | "Neue Zeit" |
Founded on June 26, 1945. In 1950-1990, he acted in a bloc with the SED , the LDPG and a number of other parties and public organizations (the National Front of the GDR ), was a member of the government led by the SED. Gerald Götting , who led the CDU in 1946-1989, was chairman of the People's Chamber of the GDR in 1969-1976.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the CDU supported the democratization process. In November 1989, Herald Götting resigned from all posts. Lothar de Mezieres was elected chairman of the party. On December 5, 1989, the CDU left the National Front. He joined the Alliance for Germany together with the Democratic Breakthrough and the German Social Union . In the 1990 elections, he spoke independently, received a majority (40.8% of the votes) and formed a coalition government headed by the CDU Chairman Lothar de Mezieres. A member of the CDU Sabina Bergman-Paul was elected Chairman of the People's Chamber of the GDR on April 5, 1990, and since the State Council of the GDR was abolished, she became head of the GDR.
At the end of 1990, the CDU GDR and the Democratic Breakthrough merged with the West German CDU .
Organizational Structure
The CDU consisted of district organizations ( bezirksorganisation ), district organizations from district organizations ( kreisorganisation ), district organizations from primary organizations ( grundorganisation ).
The supreme body is the congress ( parteitag ), between congresses - the main board ( hauptvorstand ), between its meetings - the presidium of the main board ( praesidium des hauptvorstandes ) and the secretariat of the main board ( sekretariat des hauptvorstandes ), the highest official - the party chairman ( parteivorsitzender ), higher revision body - the central revision commission ( zentrale revisionskommission ).
- District organizations
District organizations correspond to districts
The supreme body of the district organization is the district conference (bezirksdelegiertenkonferenz), between district conferences there is the district board ( bezirksvorstand ), the executive body of the district organization is the secretariat of the district board ( sekretariat des bezirksvorstande ), the highest official of the district organization is the district chairman ( bezirksvorsitt )))). organizations - district audit commission ( bezirksrevisionskommission ).
Until 1952, instead of district organizations, there were land organizations ( landesorganisation ). The supreme body of the land organization is the land conference ( landesdelegiertenkonferenz ), between land conferences the land board ( landesvorstand ), the executive body of the land organization is the secretariat of the land board ( sekretariat des landesvorstandes ), the highest official of the land organization is the land chairman ( landesvorsitzender ), the auditing body of the land organizations - the land audit commission ( landesrevionskommission ).
- District organizations
District organizations corresponded to districts , cities of district subordination and districts of Berlin .
The supreme body of the district organization is the district conference ( kreisdelegiertenkonferenz ), between district conferences the district board ( kreisvorstand ), the executive body of the district organization is the secretariat of the district government ( sekretariat des kreisvorstandes ), the highest official of the district organization is the district chairman ( kreisvorsitzender ), the revision of the district organization ( revision des kreisvorstandes ) organizations - district audit commission ( kreisrevisionskommission ).
- District (in cities) organizations
District (in cities) organizations corresponded to urban districts. Created in the 1950s.
The supreme body of the district (in the city) organization is the district (in the city) conference ( stadtbezirksdelegiertenkoneferenz ), between the district (in the city) conferences - the district (in the city) government ( stadtbezirksvorstand ), the executive body of the district (in the city) organization is the regional secretariat (in city) of the Board ( sekretariat des stadtbezirksvorstandes ), the highest official of the district (in the city) organization - the district (in the city) chairman ( stadtbezirksvorsitzender ), the audit body of the district (in the city) organization - the district (in the city) revision committee ( stadtbezirksrevisionskommission ).
- Local organizations
Local organizations ( ortsorganisation ) or local groups ( ortsgruppe ) corresponded to communities and cities .
The highest body of local organizations is the local conference ( ortsdelegiertenkonferenz ), between local conferences the local government ( ortsvorstand ), the highest official of the local organization is the local chairman ( ortsvorsitzender ).
- Primary organizations
Primary organizations corresponded to enterprises.
The highest body of the primary organization is general meetings ( mitgliederversammlung ), between general meetings is the board of the production group ( betriebsgruppenvorstand ), the highest official of the primary organization is the chairmen of the production group ( betriebsgruppenvorsitzender ).
- Schools
Had party schools - Central Party School and District Party Schools.
- Party editions
- New Age ( Neue Zeit from Union Verlag) (German-wide)
- Die Union (Saxony, later Dresden County, Leipzig, Karl-Marx-Stadt)
- "New Way" ( Der Neue Weg ) (Saxony-Anhalt, later Galle County, Magdeburg)
- Thuringian daily newspaper ( Thüringer Tageblatt ) (Thuringia, later Erfurt, Gera, Suhl)
- Democrat ( Der Demokrat ) (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, later Rostock County, Schwerin, Neubrandenburg)
- Brandenburg Union ( Märkische Union ) (Brandenburg, later Cottbus, Potsdam, Frankfurt an der Oder)
In 1989, the CDZ GDR youth organization, the Christian Democratic Youth ( Christlich-Demokratischen Jugend ), was created.
International cooperation - Coalition Party in Finland, United People’s Party in Poland, Czechoslovak People’s Party.
Party conventions
- June 15-17, 1946, Berlin
- September 6-8, 1947, Berlin
- September 18-20, 1948, Erfurt
- November 12-13, 1949, Leipzig
- September 15-17, 1950, Berlin
- October 16-18, 1952, Berlin
- September 21-25, 1954, Weimar
- September 12-15, 1956, Weimar
- September 30 - October 3, 1958, Dresden
- June 22-25, 1960, Erfurt
- September 30 - October 3, 1964, Erfurt
- October 2-5, 1968, Erfurt
- October 11-13, 1972, Erfurt
- October 12-14, 1977, Dresden
- October 13-15, 1982, Dresden
- October 14-16, 1987, Dresden
- December 15-16, 1989, Berlin
Party Chairs
- 1945. Andreas Hermes
- 1946–1947 by Jacob Kaiser
- 1948-1957 Otto Nushke
- 1958–1966 August Bach
- 1966—1989 Herald Gotting
- 1989. Wolfgang Heil
- 1989-1990 Lothar de Mezieres
- Ralf Thomas Baus: Die Christlich-Demokratische Union Deutschlands in der Sowjetisch Besetzten Zone 1945 bis 1948. Gründung - Programm - Politik , Droste, Düsseldorf 2001 (Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte, Band 36) ISBN 3-7700-1884-2
- Peter Joachim Lapp: Die 'befreundeten Parteien' der SED. DDR-Blockparteien heute, Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, Köln 1988,
ISBN 3-8046-8699-0
- Peter Joachim Lapp: Die Blockparteien im politischen System der DDR , Verlag Ernst Knoth, Melle 1988, ISBN 3-88368-135-0
- Peter Joachim Lapp: Ausverkauf. Das Ende der Blockparteien , edition ost, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-932180-58-5
- Michael Richter: Die Ost-CDU 1948-1952. Zwischen Widerstand und Gleichschaltung , 2. korrigierte Auflage, Droste, Düsseldorf 1991 (Forschungen und Quellen zur Zeitgeschichte, Band 19) ISBN 3-7700-0917-7
- Michael Richter und Martin Rißmann (Hrsg): Die Ost-CDU , Köln 1995, 258 S. - (Schriften des Hannah-Arendt-Instituts für Totalitarismforceschung, ISBN 3-412-07895-6
- Christian v. Ditfurth: Blockflöten - Wie die CDU ihre realsozialistische Vergangenheit verdrängt , Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln 1991, ISBN 3-462-02179-6
- Manfred Wilde: Die SBZ-CDU 1945-1947. Zwischen Kriegsende und kaltem Krieg . Herbert Utz Verlag, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-89675-322-3
- Hans-Joachim Veen, Peter Eisenfeld, Hans Michael Kloth, Hubertus Knabe, Peter Maser, Ehrhart Neubert, Manfred Wilke (Hrsg.): Opposition und Widerstand in SED-Diktatur (Lexikon), Lexikon Propulsion, Verlag, Berlin / München, Seiten
- Stephan Zeidler: Auf dem Weg zur Kaderpartei? Zur Rolle der Ost-CDU in der inneren Entwicklung der DDR 1952 - 53 , Kovač, Hamburg 1996
- Stephan Zeidler: Die CDU in der DDR vor dem Mauerbau (1953–1961) , Holos-Verlag, Bonn 2001