Gortynsky laws - an example of a text written by boostrofedon in the Doric dialect of the ancient Greek language
Bustrofedon (from Greek Greek βοῦς - bull and στρέφω - turn) - a writing method in which the direction of the letter alternates depending on the parity of the line, that is, if the first line is written from left to right, then the second is from right to left, the third is left again to the right, etc. This movement resembles the movement of a bull with a plow on the field. When you change the direction of the letter, the letters were written mirrored.
Bustrofedon is found in the monuments of Luvian , South Arabian , Etruscan , Greek , Asia Minor and other types of writing.
See also
- Sator
- Bustrofedon // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary : in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.