Hizhane , Kessins ( German: Kessiner , in ancient times kycini , chizzini ) - a Western Slavic tribe, consisting in the union of the Lutichs . Their lands were located on the coast of the Baltic Sea . The first written records of them date back to the 10th century . Their center was Chizhyn fortress (now Kessin ). In the middle of the XI century , conflicts broke out with the military and Dolenchians during the Lyutitsky feuds, in which the allies were huts across the Penins. At first, the huts and through the Penins won, but subsequently a heavy defeat was inflicted on them by the Saxons who stood on the side of the opponents, from whom they managed to pay off after heavy losses. Later, the huts were subordinate to the bouncers and began to pay tribute to them.
The name of the huts comes from the Slavic hij (fishing hut). This word was translated into German in the form of Kietz.