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The Ussuri clawed triton [1] [2] , or the Ussuri triton [2] , or the Ussuri pulmonary triton [2] , or the clawed triton [2] ( lat. Onychodactylus fischeri ) is a species of caudate amphibian genus of pulmonary tritons of the angelfish family.
Other names: Ussuri lugfish, long-tailed clawed newt, clawed newt, Ussuri lungless newt.
Large newt . Body length 58–90 mm, total length 125–184 mm. The color is brown or grayish brown, with dark dots or patterns on the sides of the body and on the tail. The skin is smooth. The tail of the newt is long, cylindrical , usually longer than the body. On the hind legs 5 fingers. The toes of the front and hind legs in larvae and partially in adult males have horn claws.
It inhabits coniferous and mixed cedar-deciduous forests in the south of the Russian Far East , in Korea and in the east of China . Lives in cold (not higher than 10 ° –12 ° C) mountain streams flowing among the forest. Stays in water or under mossy stones near the water. A prerequisite is the presence of a thick layer of stones, pebbles, strong shading and high humidity of the coast. Triton does not tolerate drying of the skin , since it does not have lungs: it breathes through the skin and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Active at night, in danger immediately burrows into pebbles. It feeds on amphipods , mollusks , and insects .
Newts winter in the trunks of half-rotten trees, earth cracks and pits, in groups of up to several tens. Wintering lasts from October to April.
The larval period lasts 2-3 years. Puberty occurs in the 3-4th year. Reproduction stretched from late April to August.
The main threat to populations is the destruction and pollution of human habitats.
- ↑ Kuzmin S. L. Amphibians of the former USSR. - M.: Partnership of scientific publications of KMK, 2012. - 2nd ed. - S. 61. - 370 p. - ISBN 978-5-87317-871-1
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Ananyeva N. B. , Borkin L. Ya. , Darevsky I.S. , Orlov N. L. The bilingual dictionary of animal names. Amphibians and reptiles. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. / edited by Acad. V. E. Sokolova . - M .: Rus. Yaz., 1988. - S. 21. - 10 500 copies. - ISBN 5-200-00232-X .