“ The Nightmare Before Christmas ” is an American full-length animated musical puppet film directed by Henry Selick and producer and screenwriter Tim Burton . In the story, Jack Skellington , a resident of the city of Halloween , accidentally finds a portal to the city of Christmas and, in order to dispel the annual monotony, decides to celebrate this new holiday. The music for the film was written by composer Danny Elfman , who also voiced the vocals of Jack and some other characters. The main characters of the cartoon were voiced by Chris Sarandon , Katherine O'Hara and William Hickey .
The nightmare before christmas | |
English The nightmare before christmas | |
Cartoon type | puppet animation |
Genre | musical dark fantasy drama |
Prequels | The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Pumpkin King (Japanese game) |
Sequels | The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge (Japanese game) |
Producer | Henry Selick |
Producer | Tim Burton Denise Di Novi |
Based | The Nightmare Before Christmas poem by Tim Burton |
written by | Tim Burton Carolyn Thompson Michael McDowell |
Roles voiced | Danny Elfman Chris Sarandon Katherine O'Hara William Hickey |
Composer | Danny Elfman |
Operator | Pete Kozachik |
Studio | Skellington productions |
A country | USA |
Distributor | Walt disney pictures |
Tongue | English |
Duration | 76 min |
Premiere | 1993 |
Budget | 18 million dollars |
Fees | 75 082 668 dollars |
IMDb | |
Rotten tomato | |
In 1982, Burton, while still an animator at Disney Studios , wrote the poem Nightmare Before Christmas. After the success of his short Vincent in the same year, Disney began to consider the adaptation of the new poem as a half-hour television movie. The contract was concluded only in 1990; The timing of the project was expanded, and the cartoon itself was intended for wide rental. Filming began in July next year in San Francisco . Walt Disney Pictures decided to release the film under the label of its unit of Touchstone Pictures , as it found the project "too gloomy and terrible for children." The cartoon was released on October 29, 1993, had commercial success (ranks 11th on the list of the highest-grossing puppet cartoons ) and positive reviews from critics. In 2006, he was re-released in 3D format .
This musical tells about the city of Halloween , whose inhabitants are committed to scaring people on the holiday of the same name. When the next Halloween died down, the two-faced (literally) mayor of the city gives out prizes to everyone for the best tricks and antics, but only the main character, Jack Skellington , is not happy. He is the main at this holiday, and children are equal to him. Witches and a sea monster of indefinite sex are in love with him, and the whole city looks at him with adoration. But he was tired of these monotonous holidays. Thinking about it, he wanders into a strange magical clearing outside the city, along the edges of which there are trees with doors carved in them, each of which leads to a different world-holiday.
Jack opens the door in the shape of a Christmas tree and enters the city of Christmas . He falls in love with this holiday so much that he decides to arrange Christmas for people himself, having tried himself in the role of Santa Claus . Jack has been preparing for this for a long time and so that no one bothers him, he entrusts a gang of local hooligans - Shit, Kryt and Koryt ( Eng. Lock, Shock and Barrel ) [1] - to kidnap Klaus.
Secretly in love with Jack, the pretty girl Sally, like the creation of the local crazy professor and inventor Finkelshtein (in the Russian dubbing - Frankenstein), feels that Jack can ruin the holiday and can also suffer himself. But Skellington cannot be dissuaded. Citizens sew costumes and make scary gifts and toys. At this time, Shito, Kryto and Trough send Santa Claus to the main villain Boogeyman.
Jack dressed as Santa in a sleigh drawn by skeletons of deer flies into the world of people. It just turns out that toys made in the city of Halloween are dangerous - the fact is that they are more likely to scare children than to please them. The air defense military forces knock down Jack Santa, and he, almost falling apart, literally on the edge of the grave (he fell into the cemetery), realizes his mistakes and tries to fix everything and return Santa Claus and the holiday itself to people. After saving Santa and Sally, Jack returns to his hometown. Happy End is marked by the recognition of Jack and Sally in mutual love and their kiss . Under the cheerful laughter of Santa flying over the town of Halloween, snow begins to slowly fall.
Cast (dubbing)
- Chris Sarandon - Jack Skellington (speech)
- Danny Elfman - Jack Skellington (vocals), Trough ( English Barrel ) , Clown without a face
- Katherine O'Hara - Sally , Indoor ( English Shock )
- William Hickey - Dr. Finkelstein
- Paul Rubens - Shito ( Eng. Lock )
- Glen Shedics - Mayor
- Ken Page - Boogeyman
- Edward Ivory - Santa Claus
- Carmen Tuilly and others
Russian dubbing
The cartoon has never been officially translated or released into Russian distribution, and only in 2005, for Halloween, for the premiere on TNT , a translation was made under the direction of Mikhail Kozyrev . Known for his work with Russian rock musicians, Mikhail invited members of popular rock groups to voice. As a translator's liberty for some performers, hidden quotes from their own songs were added to the text. For example, the heroes in the voices of the participants of “ Time Machine ” perform an allusion to the song “ Turn ”: [2]
We promised ourselves
Do not go astray
And there is no reason to be afraid
Bearded man.
After being shown on television, the translation was not published. The Russian-language version was produced by the Trajectory production center by order of TNT-Teleset Open Joint-Stock Company.
- Translator: Mikhail Kozyrev
- Dialogues: Natalya Demkina
- Translation of the songs of Mikhail Kozyrev, Alexei Kortnev
Roles Duplicated
- Alexey Kortnev - Jack Skellington
- Tutta Larsen - Sally
- Garik Sukachev - Dr. Finkelstein
- Gleb Samoilov - Mayor (funny face)
- Vadim Samoilov - Mayor (sad face)
- Svetlana Surganova - Little Witch
- Chacha Ivanov - Werewolf
- Max Pokrovsky - Clown
- Nikolay Fomenko - Boogeyman
- Edmund Shklarsky - Vampires
- Alexander Kutikov - Shito
- Andrey Makarevich - Indoor
- Eugene Margulis - Trough
- Sergey Mazaev - Santa Claus
- Billy Novick - Demon Harlequin
Awards and nominations
- 1994 - nomination for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects
- 1994 - 2 Saturn Awards: Best Fantasy Film , Best Music ( Danny Elfman )
- 1994 - 2 nominations for the Saturn Award: best director ( Henry Selick ), best special effects
- 1994 - Nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Music ( Danny Elfman )
- 1994 - Hugo nomination for Best Performance
- Initially, Tim Burton was supposed to be the director of the cartoon. Because of Burton’s employment on the Batman Returns project, Henry Selick was appointed to this post.
- The cartoon was shot based on the eponymous poem by Tim Burton. The final version of the literary version was at first somewhat different from the one displayed on the screen: in the final, Santa asked Jack if he realized his mistakes, to which Jack, with his characteristic "gallant" sense of humor, replied that he would try again next year. In the late edition ( 1994 ), the finale is close to what is happening on the screen.
- Danny Elfman not only acted as a composer of the film, but also acted as a narrator, and also voiced Trough and Clown Without a Face. In addition, he sang for Jack Skellington.
- In the German version of the cartoon, the famous punk diva Nina Hagen re -plays Sally.
- In the Russian adapted version, the roles of Jack and Sally were sung by Alexei Kortnev and Tutta Larsen, respectively.
- In the original version of scoring (as well as when translating into other languages), the Shock character speaks and sings in a female voice. And only in the Russian version did they change their gender: Andrei Makarevich became his voice.
- The cat that appears in the cartoon is also seen in Burton's other works: Vincent and Corpse of the Bride .
- Jack, as well as the striped snake devouring the Christmas tree , had previously appeared in the movie Beetlejuice .
- In the fall of 2008 , Nightmare Revisited was released, on which the entire soundtrack of the film was replayed by various indie and rock artists.
- In the first season of the Destroyers of Legends show, on the wall of the workshop of Jamie Heinemann and Adam Sevwich , one could repeatedly see the poster of The Nightmare Before Christmas and another cartoon by Henry Selick and Tim Burton, James and the Giant Peach .
- In one of the cut scenes, you can find out that initially the main villain was planned by Dr. Finkelstein in a Boogeyman costume, but in the final version the Boogeyman was decided as a separate character.
- In one episode, Russian dolls are visible.
- On the tree-doors were depicted: St. Patrick's Day , Valentine's Day , Thanksgiving , Easter , Independence Day , Christmas and, in fact, Halloween .
Features of Russian dubbing
- The characters Shito, Kryto and Koryto, voiced by the music of The Time Machine, Kutikov , Makarevich and Margulis , in one of the songs sing the phrase “We gave ourselves a word not to go out of the direct path”, which is a line from the song “Turn”, also in one of our they sing “we don’t cry in the hole, we don’t burn in the fire”, this is an almost verbatim quote (“We don’t cry in the icy water, and almost do not burn in the fire”) from the song “Blue Bird”.
- The mayor, voiced by the Samoilov brothers, also uses the quote: “Thinking of black deeds, the moon smirks in the sky ...”, which is taken from the song “Agatha Christie” “Black Moon”.
- Dr. Finkelstein, voiced by Garik Sukachev, finally pronounces the phrase: “Oh, my little baby!”, Which is a quote from the “Playboy” song of the Brigade S group, whose leader was Sukachev.
- In one of the scenes you can hear how Dr. Finkelstein calls his assistant Garik (actually, Garik Sukachev and voices the character), although in the original his name is Igor (can be translated as “Igor”).
- In the opening song in all languages of the world, the Monster sings under the bed with tenor, and the Monster under the stairs with bass, and vice versa in Russian dubbing. The voices of two other monsters of the other lines of the initial song change in about the same way: Monster from the coffin and Slimy monster: in the original one of them speaks with tenor, the other with bass, and vice versa in dubbing.
- ↑ Original names mean a pun, as they are based on the old English idiom “lock, stock and barrel” (forend, bolt and barrel are part of the sawn-off shot), corresponding to our expression “all at once”
- ↑ Andrei Makarevich’s nightmare // Days.
- The Nightmare Before Christmas at the Internet Movie Database
- The Nightmare Before Christmas on allmovie
- Cartoon script