Morion ( Spanish morrión , fr. Morion ) - a helmet of the Renaissance era with a high crest and fields, strongly curved in front and behind.
The name of the helmet, according to the Dictionary of the Spanish Language , published by the Royal Academy of Spanish , comes from morra - letters. “Crown”, “crown” [1] .
Apparently appeared in Spain at the beginning of the 16th century . He was included in the set of armor for spearmen on foot. Later it became an element of armor of the palace guard of European monarchs .
Dear morions were forged from a single piece of metal and, as a rule, were decorated with a complicated etched ornament or engraving. Cheap ones were riveted from several parts and often painted with paint from corrosion.
In the colonial troops was used until the beginning of the XVIII century .
See also
- Chaplain
- Salad
- Cabasset
- Armet
- Barbut
- Bourguignot
- Bascinet
- Hundsgugel
- Topfhelm
- " Toad's head "
- ↑ Morrión , Diccionario de la Lengua Española , 22nd ed., 2001
- Morion // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary : in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
- Beheim Wendalen . Encyclopedia of weapons / Per. with him. Ed. A. N. Kirpichnikova . - St. Petersburg: Orchestra, 1995 .-- 576 p.: Ill. - ISBN 5-87685-029-X .
- Winkler P.P. von Encyclopedia of weapons from ancient times to the beginning of the XIX century. - St. Petersburg: Leningrad Publishing House, 2009 .-- 432 p.: Ill. - ISBN 978-5-9942-0420-7 .
- Efimov S.V., Rymsha S.S. Weapon of Western Europe XV-XVII centuries. - Volume 1. Armor, blade weapons, weapons on the poles. - SPb .: Atlant, 2009 .-- 400 p .: ill. - Series "Armory Academy". - ISBN 978-5-98655-022-0 .
- Oakeshott Ewart . Knight and his armor. Plate vestments and weapons / Per. from English A.N. Anvaer. - M.: Centerpolygraph CJSC, 2007. - 192 p .: ill. - ISBN 978-5-9524-2636-8 .
- Funken L., Funken F. The Middle Ages. Renaissance era: Infantry - Cavalry - Artillery / Per. with french M. B. Ivanova. - M .: LLC "AST"; Astrel, 2004 .-- 146 p.: Ill. - Series "Encyclopedia of weapons and military costume." - ISBN 5-17-014796-1 .