Vallabi [1] - a group of species of marsupial mammals from the family of kangaroos ( lat. Macropodidae ), usually smaller in size than kangaroos or wallars [2] .
In a narrow sense, Wallaby [3] (Wallabia) is a genus of the Kangaroo family, which includes one living species ( Swamp wallaby ) and a number of fossils .
Distributed in Tasmania , New Guinea and the Bismarck archipelago . They live mainly in thickets of shrubs and forests , but can also be found in open spaces, in the steppes . Wallabies were also brought to New Zealand and the British Isles , where the largest colony is located on the Isle of Man .
Small forest wallabies are known as philander or pademelons (genus Thylogale ). The term Wallaby comes from the language of the Eora tribe living in the area of modern Sydney [4] . Wallaby cubs, like other marsupials , are usually called joeys .
Wallaby is, in addition to the Wallaby family itself , also a collection of species consisting of several genera belonging to the kangaroo family .
Among ordinary (gigantic) kangaroos (the genus Macropus ), there are about eight species of wallaby. Red-gray wallaby ( Macropus rufogriseus ) and quick wallaby ( Macropus agilis ), due to their large size and general similarity, are often equated with ordinary kangaroos and wallars.
Mountain Wallaby (genus Petrogale ), found throughout Australia and on several adjacent islands, live in the mountains and rocky deserts . At least fifteen species are found, some of which are at risk of extinction.
The striped wallaby hare ( Lagostrophus fasciatus ) is the last remaining species of the once numerous subfamily Sthenurinae , formerly inhabiting the territory of southern Australia, and now found only on two islands off the western coast of Australia, free of predators .
Forest Wallabies (genus Dorcopsis ), living in New Guinea , are represented by five species.
- Subfamily Sthenurinae
- Genus Lagostrophus fasciatus
- Striped Kangaroo or Striped Wallaby Hare , Lagostrophus fasciatus
- Genus Lagostrophus fasciatus
- Subfamily Macropodinae
- Common (gigantic) kangaroos and wallabies , genus Macropus
- Quick Wallaby , Macropus agilis
- Wallaby Antelope , Macropus antilopinus
- Black-striped Wallaby , Macropus dorsalis
- Tammar , Macropus eugenii
- † Wallaby Gray , Macropus greyii
- Glove wallaby , Macropus irma
- Wallaby Parma , Macropus parma
- Wallaby Parry , Macropus parryi
- Red-gray Wallaby , Macropus rufogrisseus
- New Guinea Forest Wallaby , genus Dorcopsis
- Dorcopsis vanheurni ( Dorcopsulus vanheurni )
- Kangaroo Macleay , Dorcopsis macleayi ( Dorcopsulus macleayi )
- Dorcopsis veterum
- Dorcopsis hageni
- Dorcopsis atrata
- Wallaby hares , genus Lagorchestes
- Lagorchestes asomatus
- Lagorchestes conspicillatus
- Lagorchestes hirsutus
- Lagorchestes leporides
- Talon-tailed Kangaroo , genus Onychogalea
- Onychogalea fraenata
- † Onychogalea lunata
- Onychogalea unguifera
- Mountain Wallaby , genus Petrogale
- Petrogale assimilis
- Petrogale brachyotis
- Petrogale burbidgei
- Petrogale coenensis
- Petrogale concinna
- Petrogale godmani
- Petrogale inornata
- Petrogale herberti
- Petrogale lateralis
- Petrogale mareeba
- Petrogale penicillata
- Petrogale persephone
- Petrogale purpureicollis
- Petrogale rothschildi
- Petrogale sharmani
- Petrogale xanthopus
- Philander , or Pademelon , genus Thylogale
- Red-bellied Philander or Tasmanian Pademelon Thylogale billardierii
- Thylogale browni filander Brown
- New Guinean Philander , Thylogale brunii
- Philander Calaby , Thylogale calabyi
- Mountain philander , Thylogale lanatus
- Redfoot philander , Thylogale stigmatica
- Red-necked Philander , Thylogale thetis
- Wallaby , genus Wallabia
- Swamp Wallaby , Wallabia bicolor
- Common (gigantic) kangaroos and wallabies , genus Macropus
Fictional Wallaby
- Rocco from the animated series New Life of Rocco
- Wallaby or Warabi - the hero of the same name manga from Kiyohiko Azuma .
- ↑ Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary. - St. Petersburg: "Norint", 2006. - 2144 p.
- ↑ Wallaby // Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg. 1907-1909.
- ↑ Sokolov V.E. The bilingual dictionary of animal names. Mammals Latin-Russian-English-German-French. - M .: Russian language, 1984. - S. 25. - 352 p. - 10,000 copies.
- ↑ Animals of Australia: Wallaby is a small kangaroo.