Incense is a group of fragrant substances that people have used since ancient times as a healing or healing, perfumery means, as well as for the administration of religious rituals . Among the oldest incense are volatile aromatic substances , including backgammon , incense , camphor , sandalwood , myrrh (of plant origin), musk , amber , operculum (of animal origin).
In Buddhism, incense was used during meditation . In Christianity, incense is mainly used during worship. In Asia, incense use is wider. In addition to use in temples , it is traditionally used in houses as a religious tool , as well as as air fragrance indoors or outdoors.
- Incense // Brockhaus and Efron Jewish Encyclopedia . - SPb. 1908-1913. - T. 4.
- Scented substances // Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : in 86 tons (82 tons and 4 extra). - SPb. , 1891. - T. IV.
- Voskurenie // The Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron . - SPb. 1908-1913. - T. 6.