Kykn ( dr. Greek Κύκνος “swan”) is a character in ancient Greek mythology [1] . Son of Phenel , a friend of Phaeton . Phaeton's relative by mother. King of the Ligurians, by the will of Apollo turned into a bird [2] , into a swan [3] . According to Virgil, he sang, grieving for his beloved Phaeton, and ascended to heaven [4] . Apollo gave him a sweet voice, and then lifted him to heaven [5] .
The Kiknov Tower was shown at Brixia [6] . According to Lucian, the moons of Apollo turned into birds on Eridan [7] .
- ↑ Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. In 2 t. T. 1. P.649, Lubker F. The Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. M., 2001. In 3 vol. T. 1. S.400
- ↑ Pausanias. Description of Hellas I 30, 3
- ↑ Hesiod, fr. 311 M.-U .; Ovid. Metamorphoses II 367-380; Gigin. Myths 154
- ↑ Virgil. Aeneid X 189—193
- ↑ Servius. Commentary on the "Aeneid" of Virgil X 189 // Losev A.F. Mythology of the Greeks and Romans. M., 1996. P.662
- ↑ Catullus. Poems LXVII 32
- ↑ Lucian. About Amber 4