Adverbialization (from the Latin adverbium - adverb) - the transition to the class of adverbs of word forms belonging to other parts of speech .
The basis of the process of adverbialization is the isolation of one form or another from the inflection system of its part of speech and its acquisition of a new grammatical meaning.
From the point of view of the history of language, adverbializations undergo:
- forms of adjectives , for example: again , high , at home , cf. also czech. znovu , vysoko , lat. multum "many";
- individual case forms of nouns , for example: on foot , for free (both creat. cases ), Rus. doref. evening "last night", lat. statim "now" ( accusative );
- prepositional case forms, e.g., long since, old glory. simply “without fail” < ed + genus. n. simple chesh. zezadu < ze zadu "behind"; including with the preposition of the preposition - cf. him. jahraus (in jahraus jahrein "from year to year");
- other combinations, for example: today < today , cf. him. damit "(with) this";
- verb forms, for example: almost , reluctantly .
In a broader sense, adverbialization also includes morphological methods for the formation of adverbs ( suffixation ). Adverbialization is a type of general linguistic process of transposition , which is based on the semantic and functional identity of linguistic units.
See also
- Substantiation
- Verbalization (Linguistics)
- Adjective