Prevobo ( French prévôt , from the Latin præpositus - chief) - in feudal France XI - XVIII centuries, a royal official or protege of the feudal lord who had until the 15th century, in the territory entrusted to him, exercised judicial , fiscal and military authority .
Royal Provo
The royal provotoes ( Fr. prévôt royal ) occupied the lowest level in the hierarchy of royal judges. The judges who submitted to the senior judges in different regions of France were called differently. In Normandy and in Burgundy, they were called “chatelins” ( châtelains ), in the south - “vigiers” ( viguiers ). They were in royal jurisdiction, that is, they submitted directly to the king .
Master's prop
( fr. prévôt seigneurial )
Marechalski Provo
( Fr. prévôt des maréchaux )
Senior French
( French prévôt de l'hôtel ou grand prévôt de France )
Senior Mint Proverb
( fr. prévot général ou grand prévôt des monnaies )
Merchant Provo
( fr. prévôt des marchands ) - the head of the trade workshop or, in other words, the elder of the merchant shop.
Parisian Provo
See also
Parisian Provoto Etienne Marcel
- Prevost, official // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary : 86 tons (82 tons and 4 extra). - SPb. , 1890-1907.