“Hatha Yoga Pradipika” ( Skt. हठ योग प्रदीपिका , haṭhayoga pradīpikā IAST - “clarification of Hatha Yoga”) is a Sanskrit text about Hatha Yoga , supposedly dating from the 15th century . The author is Swami Swatmarama , a follower of Gorakshanath , the founder of Nath Sampradaya .
It is the oldest surviving classic Hatha Yoga text. The other two texts dating from a later period are Gheranda Samhita and Siva Samhita . It is a collection of early sources with the addition of Swatmarama's own yoga practice. There are many translations of this text - including into Russian .
The text was written in the framework of the Hindu philosophical school of yoga and is dedicated to Shiva , who, according to the Hindu tradition, passed on the secret knowledge of hatha yoga to his divine wife Parvati .
Text Content
In the existing Russian translation, the text consists of 382 stanzas , and is divided into four parts [1] “Asana”, “Pranayama”, “Mudras”, “Samadhi”:
- the chapter describes the lineage of succession, asanas, and nutritional recommendations. One sloka is given to enumerate the rules of the pit (restraint in behavior) and niyama (observed restrictions) - 67 slokas. 15 asanas are described.
- the chapter describes pranayama and shatkarma (practices of internal purification) - 78 slokas.
- the chapter talks about wise men, bandhas (“castles”), nadi (channels in the subtle body of a person through which prana flows), and kundalini energy - 130 slokas.
- the chapter describes pratyahara , dharana , dhyana and samadhi - 114 slokas. The main ideas of the chapter: Samadhi as a practice of liberation in life; the idea of breathing control as a practice of controlling the mind (manas); kaivalya as a state of nonduality; the concept of chakra is mentioned.
- Chapters available in English translation [2] [3] :
- chapter. Mudras - 188 slok.
- chapter. Pratyahara - 61 slokas.
- chapter. Raja Yoga - 67 Slokas.
- chapter. Nada Yoga - 51 slokas.
- chapter. Knowledge of time - 42 slokas.
- chapter. Liberation outside the body - 43 slokas.
See also
- Gheranda samhita
- Shiva samhita
- Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati , Swami Satyananda Saraswati . Hatha Yoga Pradipika with comments. - Sattva, 2002 .-- 672 p. - ISBN 5-901518-04-7 .
- Swami Swatmaram . Hatha Yoga Pradipika. (translation and comments by O. Polotov). - Aslan, 1994 .-- 112 p. - ISBN 5-87793-008-7 .
- Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati , Swami Satyananda Saraswati . Nava Yogini Tantra. Yoga practices for women. - Vedantamala, 2007 .-- ISBN 987-35-1705-7 .
- The Way of Shiva (anthology of ancient Indian classical texts) / Per. from Sanskrit A. Rigin. - Kiev: Bookplate, 1994 .-- 176 p. .
- ↑ Swatmarama. Hatha Yoga Pradipika, 1994 .
- ↑ ML Gharote, Parimal Devnath (ed.). Hathapradipika of Svatmarama (10 chapters) with the commentary Yogaprakasika. - 2001 .-- 364 p. - ISBN 8190117661 .
- ↑ Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Per. from Skt. A. Paribok