Plisfen ( dr. Greek Πλεισθένης ) is a character of ancient Greek mythology [1] , found in versions of the genealogy of the kings of Argos. Son of Atreus . The husband of Cleolla, daughter of Diantes (or Aeropa , daughter of Catrea ). Father of Agamemnon and Menelaus [2] . He died young, and his sons were raised by his grandfather Atreus (according to Hesiod and Aeschylus [3] ).
Stesichore mentions the "Plisphen family" [4] . However, Aeschylus Agamemnon is the son of Atreus [5] . Mentioned at Bacchilides [6] .
Plisfen bears the same name the son of Fiesta and Aeropa [7] , raised by Fiesta as his own. Fiesta sent him to kill Atreus, but Atreus killed him, thinking that it was the son of Fiesta [8] . The protagonist of the tragedy of Euripides "Plisfen."
Seneca Plisfen has the son of Fiesta, killed by Atreus [9] .
- ↑ Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. In 2 t. T. 2. S.317; Pseudo-Apollodorus. Mythological library III 2, 2
- ↑ Ivic. Encomy Policrates, Art. 22
- ↑ Hesiod. The list of women, fr. 194 M.-U.
- ↑ Stesichore. Oresteia, fr. 219 Page; Aeschylus. Agamemnon 1569
- ↑ Aeschylus. Agamemnon 1583
- ↑ Bacchilides. Dithyrambs XV 18
- ↑ Gigin. Myths 246
- ↑ Gigin. Myths 86; 88
- ↑ Seneca. Fiesta 726