Yuri Vladimir Mann (born June 9, 1929 , Moscow ) is a Soviet and Russian literary critic.
Yuri Vladimirovich Mann | |
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Alma mater | Moscow State University (1952) |
Academic degree |
He graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University (1952). In 1964 he defended his thesis on the topic "Belinsky's Creative Method". Doctor of Philology - the theme of the dissertation is “Realism of Gogol and the problems of the grotesque” (1973). Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University (since 1991).
A specialist, first of all, in the work of Nikolai Gogol . Editor-in-chief of the Academic Complete Works and Letters of N. V. Gogol in 23 volumes.
He was awarded the prize of A.M.Shaniavsky (2008) and the prize of N.V. Gogol in Italy (2009).
- Gogol's comedy The Examiner. - M.: Khudozh. lit., 1966. - 112 p., 143,000 copies.
- About the grotesque in literature. - M .: Owls. writer, 1966. - 184 p., 8,000 copies.
- Russian philosophical aesthetics (1820-1830s). - M .: Art, 1969. - 304 p., 8,000 copies.
- The courage of the invention. - M.: Children's literature, 1975. - 128 p., 50,000 copies.
- The poetics of Russian romanticism. - M .: Nauka, 1976 .-- 375 p., 11,000 copies.
- The poetics of Gogol. - M.: Fiction, 1978. - 395 p., 20,000 copies.
- The courage of the invention. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Children's literature, 1979. - 144 p., 100,000 copies.
- In the circle of Stankevich. - M.: Children's Literature, 1983. - 320 p.
- In search of a living soul. - M .: Book, 1984. - 416 p., 75,000 copies.
- The courage of the invention. Ed. 3rd - M., Children's literature, 1985. - 144 p., 100,000 copies.
- In search of a living soul: Dead Souls: Writer - criticism - reader. Ed. 2nd. - M .: Book, 1987 .-- 350 p., 50,000 copies.
- The dialectic of the artistic image. - M .: Owls. writer, 1987. - 320 p., 8,400 copies.
- Nikolay Gogol. Life and art. A book for reading with comments in English. - M.: Russian Language, 1988 .-- 288 p.
- The poetics of Gogol. 2nd ed., Ext. - M.: Fiction, 1988. - 398 p., 20,000 copies.
- Aksakov family. - M.: Children's Literature, 1992. - 400 p., 100,000 copies.
- The dynamics of Russian romanticism. - M.: Aspect Press, 1995 .-- 380 p., 8,000 copies.
- Through laughter visible to the world ... Life of N.V. Gogol. - M .: Miros, 1994 .-- 470 p., 20,000 copies.
- The poetics of Gogol. Variations to the theme. - M .: Coda, 1996 .-- 472 p., 4,000 copies.
- Russian philosophical aesthetics. - M .: MAPP, 1998 .-- 382 p., 3,000 copies.
- Russian literature of the XIX century. The era of Romanticism. - M .: Aspect Press, 2001 .-- 445 p.
- Gogol. Proceedings and days: 1809-1845. - M .: Aspect Press, 2004 .-- 810 p.
- Comprehending Gogol. - M .: Aspect Press, 2005 .-- 204 p.
- Creativity Gogol. Sense and form. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2007 .-- 740 p.
- Turgenev and others. - M.: RGGU, 2008 .-- 630 p.
- Gogol: completion of the journey, 1845-1852 - M.: Aspect Press, 2009 .-- 304 p.
- N.V. Gogol. Fate and creativity. - M .: Education, 2009 .-- 300 p.
- Memory is happiness, like memory is pain ... Memories, documents, letters. - M .: RGGU, 2011.
- Gogol. Book one. Beginning: 1809-1835. - M., 1994.
- Gogol. The second book. At the top: 1835-1845. - M., 1994.
- Gogol. Proceedings and days, 1809-1845. - M .: Aspect Press, 2004 .-- 813 p .; 32 sec ill. - ISBN 5-7567-0334-9 .
- Gogol. The completion of the path: 1845-1852. - M.: Aspect Press, 2009 .-- 304 p. ( Review )
- Gogol. Book one. Beginning: 1809-1835. [2nd ed.] - Moscow: RGGU, 2012. - 504 p.
- Gogol. The second book. At the top: 1835-1845. [2nd ed., Revised. and add.] - M .: RGGU, 2012. - 552 p.
- Gogol. The third book. The completion of the path: 1845-1852. [2nd ed., Revised. and add.] - M .: RGGU, 2013. - 497 p. - ISBN 978-5-7281-1450-5 .
- ↑ Record # 125441591 // general catalog of the National Library of France
- Mann, Yuri Vladimirovich // Brief Literary Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. A.A. Surkov . - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia , 1962-1978.
- Mann, Yuri Vladimirovich in the " Journal Hall "
- Page on the website of RSUH
- Page on the website of the journal " Literature Issues "
- Samorodnitskaya E.I. Yuri Vladimirovich Mann
- Gogol becomes a fashion writer
- “On the other side of Dikanka and on this side of Dikanka”: the space of Gogol's childhood and his work (inaccessible link)
- About unscrambled Gogol, the three types of humor and Homer's publications (interview with the Orthodoxy and Peace site)
- Gogol, of course, is dictatorial. He conquers, and there's nothing to be done