Trabea is a short cloak that served among the Etruscans as a sign of royal power.
Trabea was a very ancient type of toga and served as the clothing of saliy and augurs [1] .
According to Servius , three types of trabey were used [1] :
- purple - the clothes of the gods;
- purple with white gaps - the robe of the kings;
- with bright red horizontal stripes and a purple border - the augurs robe.
Later, the trabey with bright red horizontal stripes on solemn occasions was worn by the Roman kings, horsemen and augurs, and then consuls . The imperial trabya became completely purple [2] .
- ↑ 1 2 Trabey // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary : in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.
- ↑ Trabea // The Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities / ed. F. Lubker ; Edited by members of the Society of Classical Philology and Pedagogy F. Gelbke , L. Georgievsky , F. Zelinsky , V. Kansky , M. Kutorgi and P. Nikitin . - SPb. , 1885.