Marcellinus Comitat ( lat. Marcellinus Comes ; d. After 534 ) was a Byzantine historian who compiled a chronicle that covers the period from the accession to the throne of Emperor Theodosius I ( 379 ) to the early years of the reign of Emperor Justinian I ( 534 ).
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Little is known about the life of Marcellin Comit. Although he was born in Illyria , Marcellinus lived his entire adult life in Constantinople . He was close to Justinian I even when he was the heir to the throne. Under Justinian I, Marcellin occupied a number of court posts. In his Chronicle, Marcellin Comit describes exclusively the events that took place in the eastern part of the former Roman Empire , paying special attention to incidents in the capital of Byzantium and the history of the Christian Church in the East. The “Chronicle” of Marcellinus was continued by an anonymous author until 566 (events from 548 are only a listing of indicts ). Cassiodorus ( Institutiones Divinarum , XVII) mentions two more works of Marcellinus that did not reach us (including descriptions of Constantinople and Jerusalem ).
- Marcellinus Comes . Chronicon. MGH. AA, XI. ( 1894 ). p. 60-108
- Marcellinine Comit . Chronicle (fragments) // Evagriy Scholastic . Church history. pp.588-591.— SPb: “Oleg Abyshko’s Publishing House”, ( 2006 ). —P.672. — ISBN 5-89740-134-8
- Marcellinine Comit. Chronicle / Trans., Ed. N. N. Bolgov . Belgorod, 2010.
- Marcellinus Comit . Eastern literature . The appeal date is March 29, 2011. Archived August 21, 2011.
- MGH (lat.)
- Editions Min and Mommsen (lat.)