The economy of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic is a constituent part of the economy of the USSR , located on the territory of the Tajik SSR . It was part of the Central Asian economic region .
The light and food industries accounted for more than 60% of industrial output. The main branches of heavy industry are electric power industry , mining, nonferrous metallurgy , mechanical engineering and metalworking, the building materials industry. The basis of the electric power industry was HPPs : Nurek, Golovnaya, Baypazinsk (on Vakhsh), Kairakkum (on Syrdarya) and others. As of 1989, the following were under construction: Rogun HPP , Sangtuda HPP on the Vakhsh River . Large thermal power plants - in Dushanbe , Yavan . Brown coal ( Shurab ), oil (in the north and south of the republic), natural gas ( Vakhsh , Gissar valleys ) were extracted . Mining and enrichment of ores of non-ferrous and rare metals ( lead , zinc , bismuth , antimony , mercury , tungsten , molybdenum ), gold. Nonferrous metallurgy (aluminum plant in Tursunzade , hydrometallurgical in Isfara and others). Engineering enterprises produced winding, agricultural machines, equipment for trade and public catering enterprises, textile, lighting equipment, transformers , household refrigerators , cables and others (the main center is Dushanbe ). The chemical industry developed: nitrogen-fertilizer plants in Kurgan-Tube , electrochemical plants in Yavan , plastics in Dushanbe and others. The main branches of light industry are cotton ginning, silk, carpet weaving ( Dushanbe , Leninabad , Kairakkum and others). In the food industry stood out fruit-canning, oil and fat industry.
In 1986, there were 299 state farms and 157 collective farms in the republic. Agricultural land was 4.2 million hectares, of which:
- arable land - 0.8 million hectares
- pastures - 3.2 million hectares
Due to large irrigation works, the area of irrigated land in 1986 reached 662 thousand hectares. Agriculture provided about 65% of gross agricultural output. The leading branch of agriculture is cotton growing (the collection of raw cotton is 922 thousand tons in 1986 ); developed in the Fergana, Vakhsh, Gissar valleys. Tajikistan is the country's main base for the production of fine-fiber cotton. Also cultivated tobacco , geranium , flax- curly, sesame . About 20% of the crops were occupied by grain crops (gross grain harvest - 246 thousand tons in 1986 ). Grown vegetables, melons and gourds. Horticulture (including citrus), viticulture was developed. Meat-wool sheep and meat and dairy cattle. Livestock (for 1987 , in million heads): cattle - 1.4 (including cows - 0.6), sheep and goats - 3.2. Sericulture
Operating length (for 1986 ):
- railways - 470 km,
- roads - 13.2 thousand km (including with hard surface - 11.6 thousand km).
Tajikistan was supplied with gas from Uzbekistan , Afghanistan ( gas pipeline Kelif - Dushanbe ), from local gas fields.
See also
- Central Asian economic region
- Tajik SSR
- Tajikistan economy
- Industrial production by year