Cavaliers of the Order of St. George III class in the letter "F"
The list is alphabetically personalized. Last name, first name, middle name are given; title at the time of the award; number on the lists of Grigorovich - Stepanov and Sudravsky ; award date. Persons whose names could not be accurately identified are not vikified.
- Zhevakhov, Spiridon Eristovich , Major General, No. 365, February 26, 1814
- Zheltukhin, Peter Fedorovich , Major General, No. 303, June 3, 1813
- Zhemchuzhnikov, Apollon Stepanovich , Major General, No. 359, January 28, 1814
- Stallions, Mikhail Alekseevich , Colonel, No. 116, January 1, 1795
- Zhirov, Ivan Ivanovich , Colonel, No. 363, February 2, 1814
- Zhitov, Alexei Ivanovich , Colonel, No. 454, October 18, 1831
- Joffre, Joseph , French General, November 27, 1914
- Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Nominal lists 1769-1920. Bibliographic reference / Ed. compiled by V. M. Shabanov. - M .: Russian Mir, 2004 .-- 928 p. - ISBN 5-89577-059-2 .
- Stepanov V.S., Grigorovich P.I. In memory of the centennial of the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. (1769-1869). - SPb. , 1869.
- Sudravsky V.K. Cavaliers of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George for 140 years (1769-1909) // Military collection: journal. - 1909. - No. 3-12 .
- Sudravsky V.K. Cavaliers of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George for 140 years (1769-1909) // Military collection: journal. - 1910. - No. 1-12 .