IL-18 is a passenger aircraft for long-haul airlines, made according to the scheme of a four - engine turboprop low - wing with a single- tail plumage . One of the first Soviet turboprop airliners.
IL-18 | |
Type of | Passenger plane |
Manufacturer | Design Bureau Ilyushin |
First flight | July 4, 1957 [1] |
Start of operation | April 20, 1959 [2] |
Operators | Aeroflot Russia |
Years of production | 1957-1985 |
Units produced | more than 800 [3] |
Unit cost | 24 500 000 USD (2011) |
Options | IL-20 IL-24N IL-38 |
It was mass-produced from 1958 to 1978 at the factory number 30 ("Banner of Labor"), located near the Central airfield on the Khodynsky field in Moscow. In total, 719 (according to other sources, more than 850) aircraft were built, including 564 passenger (1957-1969), the rest - special (for example, ice reconnaissance or meteorological laboratories) and military (including IL-38 ) were built until the end 1970s.
Creation History
In the mid -1950s , when it became clear that passenger aircraft with piston engines did not satisfy the rapid growth of air travel, there was a need for more spacious and high-speed aircraft equipped with gas turbine engines . In OKB them. Tupolev went on the path of creating a Tu-104 passenger aircraft based on the Tu-16 jet bomber. The design bureau of Ilyushin decided to design a passenger aircraft with a theater .
On May 25, 1956, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 703–404 was adopted on the creation of an IL-18 passenger aircraft with four turboprop engines [4] . The preliminary design of the IL-18 was approved by S. V. Ilyushin on August 26, 1956, in September of the same year the construction of the first prototype aircraft began [5] . In June 1957, at the Central Airport in Moscow, the first Il-18 was inspected by party and government leaders headed by N. S. Khrushchev , at the proposal of the First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, E. A. Furtseva gave the airplane its own name “Moscow” [6 ] .
The first flight made an experienced aircraft on July 4, 1957 , flying from the Central Airfield. MV Frunze at the flight base to the city of Zhukovsky (flight duration - 1 h 57 min) [7] . The tests involved aircraft equipped with engines NK-4 and AI-20 . The test results showed that the AI-20 design of A. G. Ivchenko is more reliable, and it was chosen for installation on serial aircraft.
Experienced aircraft were designed for 75 seats. In 1958, the IL-18A version was created with a take-off mass of 58 tons and a passenger cabin increased to 89 seats. This was the first production model. Due to unreliable engine operation, from January 1959, the operation of Il-18A aircraft with NK-4 engines was discontinued. Modification of the IL-18B with a payload increased from 12 to 14 tons and an increased take-off weight of up to 61.5 tons appeared in the same 1958. On April 20, 1959, the first two Il-18 passenger flights took place along the route Moscow - Adler and Moscow - Alma-Ata [2] .
In 1960, the IL-18V was created, which differed from the IL-18B version with a higher level of comfort and the use of more advanced flight and navigation equipment.
In 1965, the IL-18E aircraft was designed at OKB, designed for 120 seats and had an even more comfortable cabin. The last passenger model was the Il-18D aircraft, on which AI-20M was used instead of the AI-20K TVD, fuel tanks were added to the wing center section, and an approach control system was installed. Due to the additional fuel, the flight range was increased.
In addition to passenger aircraft, various design options were created at the Design Bureau: service, cargo, and patrol, including:
- EW IL-20 aircraft ;
- Il-22 air command post (about 30 pieces were released in the 1970-1980s [8] );
- ice reconnaissance aircraft Il-24 ;
- anti-submarine IL-38 .
One of the Il-18V aircraft was converted for flights to Antarctica : additional fuel tanks were installed in the passenger cabin, which allowed to increase the fuel supply to 31,000 liters. It is noteworthy that the baton "Moscow - Antarctica", as a rule, was served by IL-18 aircraft, which flew in the skies of Africa, simultaneously performing passenger and cargo transportation on local airlines.
During 1958 - 1959, twenty world records of flight range and altitude with various payloads were set on IL-18 aircraft.
Due to their economy, level of comfort and safety, the IL-18 aircraft aroused interest in the world market, which is why many foreign companies purchased these aircraft. The aircraft became the first Soviet passenger aircraft in great demand on the world market: more than a hundred aircraft were built for seventeen foreign companies.
Unlike the Tu-104 and Tu-114 airliners, created on the basis of the Tu-16 and Tu-95 military strategic bombers, the Il-18 became the first passenger airliner in the USSR designed from scratch, initially as a civilian passenger plane.
Aircraft Design Information
(This information is provided on the basis of the “Technical Description of the IL-18 Aircraft”, book 1, ed. Oborongiz-1960, and the book “Special Equipment for the IL-18 Aircraft”, USSR MGA, Editorial and Publishing Department, 1968)
The IL-18 aircraft is a monoplane with a low-lying direct trapezoidal wing and tail, and four AI-20 A turboprop engines with a capacity of 4 thousand equivalent liters. with. each. The aircraft has a parking height of 10.165 m. The aircraft can take on board from 73 to 111 passengers, while it overcomes a distance of up to 5000 km at an average speed of 625-650 km / h. The length of the run is from 800 to 1200 meters. The path length, due to braking by the engine screws, is 600-700 meters.
Four engines increase flight safety. Perhaps the continuation of take-off in the event of a single engine failure or flight at a level of 8,000 meters.
The main structural material of the airframe is D16 grade Duralumin. Power elements are made of D16, AK6, ML5 magnesium alloy, VT1D-1 titanium alloy, 30KhGSA (chromansil) and 30KhGSNA (nickel chromansil) steels.
Great attention has been paid to the convenience of ground operation. The aircraft has a large number of access hatches and removable panels.
The cabin crew consists of 5 people: the commander of the aircraft, the right pilot, navigator, radio operator and flight engineer. Cabin crew includes four cabin crew.
Aircraft Glider
The fuselage is 35.9 meters long, 3.5 meters in diameter, a half- monocoque type consists of 78 frames , a set of stringers and a clad duralumin sheathing riveted "in the overlap" with rivets with a flat-convex head. The entire fuselage, with the exception of the rear part with the rear trunk, is a single pressurized cabin 28 meters long, 240 m³ in volume, divided by the floor into upper and lower parts.
At the nose of the aircraft is a radar antenna, covered with a radome made of cellular radio-transparent material. Further along the 1st and 4th frame there is a crew cabin with five jobs: the commander on the left, the second pilot on the right, the flight engineer between them, the navigator behind the commander, the radio operator behind the second pilot. The glazing of the cabin is made in two rows - upper and lower. Four front windows - silicate triplexes with heating, the rest from double Plexiglas type DOR-16. There are window leaves on the right and left. The crew cabin is separated from the passenger compartment by a pressure barrier in case of depressurization of the passenger compartment. Behind the cabin, between the frames No. 4 and No. 6, there is a radio equipment compartment.
The passenger cabin as standard is divided into three passenger lounges, landing in which is done through two operational doors on the port side. There are also four emergency exits.
The aircraft configuration includes three main layout options: the main or mixed version for 73-78 seats, the tourist version for 84 seats, the economic version for 105-111 seats. In the first salon, between the frames No. 6 and No. 14, there are chairs for 20 seats, then the front service compartment with the front entrance door, lobby, two front toilet rooms and the hydraulic equipment compartment. The service compartment is the noisiest place, which is located in the plane of rotation of the propellers.
Further from the frame No. 22 to the frame No. 42 there is a middle (main) salon with 45-55 seats, then the rear service compartment with an entrance door, an entrance hall and a kitchen-buffet, frames No. 42 - 47.
The rear cabin for 8-14 seats is located behind the rear entrance door. It is located between the frames No. 47-54. Behind it is a wardrobe and a rear toilet, frames No. 54-56.
It is also possible to operate the aircraft in the version with two passenger lounges with 80 seats, in this case the layout of the cabin differs in the layout of the toilet rooms and the kitchen.
The blocks of seats on the starboard side are predominantly triple, while on the port side of the chair are double. In the economic layout, all the seats on the right and almost all on the left are three-seater.
In the passenger cabin there are 30 round portholes (windows) with a diameter of 0.4 m with double organic glass made of DOR-16 material. The design of the window provides that when one glass breaks, the remaining glass will keep the full boost pressure.
It is possible to re-equip the aircraft in the factory to an administrative version, then the passenger cabin is divided by partitions into: front passenger cabin, shift crew cabin, wardrobe and toilet rooms, sideboard kitchen, middle passenger cabin, two salons, rear passenger cabin, bedroom, rear toilet. This option is designed to carry 25 passengers.
The IL-18V modification aircraft has seven layout options for the passenger cabin.
Under the floor of the passenger cabin are located: under the cockpit compartment of the front leg of the chassis, then a sealed luggage and cargo compartment No. 1 (frames No. 4-24) with a loading and unloading hatch on the starboard side. Next comes the leaky compartment of electrical equipment with a hatch in the lower part, frames No. 24-26. Behind the electrical equipment compartment is the technical center section compartment, frames from the 26th to the 32nd. There are two hatches below for access to the compartment.
Between frames No. 32 and No. 34 there is a technical compartment with units for flap and aileron control systems, as well as a cabin pressurization system. Access to this compartment is via removable floor panels of the passenger cabin or through the luggage compartment below.
A sealed luggage and cargo compartment No. 2 with a loading and unloading hatch on the starboard side is located between the frames No. 34-54.
The rear leaky part of the aircraft is 7 meters long. It has a rear luggage and cargo compartment No. 3 with an enlarged door on the starboard side (sp. No. 58-65). In this trunk, on later versions of the aircraft, a TG-16 (M) turbogenerator was installed.
The total volume of all luggage compartments is 34.06 m3.
The wing is trapezoidal, one-piece, with a negative twist of the tips −1 °. It consists of a center section with four engine nacelles and two detachable consoles.
Wing profile C5, C3, area 140 m2, wingspan 37.4 m, transverse angle V + 3 °.
The center section frame consists of three spars, 36 stringers and 49 ribs, sheathed with duralumin sheets from 3 to 6 mm thick. The consoles have two spars, 26 stringers and 18 ribs, sheathed with sheets 2.5 mm thick. Compartments for soft fuel tanks are located in the center section, the console box is sealed and fuel is also placed in it. Sock wing electrically heated.
On the back of the center wing there is a retractable electric double-slotted flap with a deflector (of two halves), a span of 23.87 m. Each half of the flap is suspended on five rails on which the carriages ride. At takeoff, the flaps are released at 30 °, at landing - at 40 °. The flaps are driven by a dual DC MPZ-9A electromechanism, with a current consumption of up to 350 amperes.
On the rear of the wing consoles are split two-section ailerons with axial aerodynamic compensation and weight balancing, an area of 9.11 m, with a full deflection angle of ± 20 °. A trimmer is installed on the right aileron.
The plumage . Consists of keel and stabilizer.
Keel of a three-spar design, with a sweep along the leading edge of 22 °, modified NACA-00 profile. The area of the keel is 17.93 m2. The keel has a steering wheel with trimmer and spring servo compensator. The PH angle of rotation is ± 25 °.
The horizontal tail is a stabilizer with an area of 27.79 m², a modified NACA-00 profile, span 5.02 m, installation angle −1 °, transverse V - 0 °. Elevator with compensation and trim tab on each half of the PB. The total angle of deviation of the PB is from −25 ° to + 15 °.
The flight control system is mechanical boosterless. The forces on the steering wheels are transmitted using tubular rods, on the ailerons and trimmers of the RS - by cable wiring. Two two-stage spring loaders are installed in the direction channel, which are included in the work when the pH deviation is more than 12 °, and additionally strengthen the load when the steering deviation is more than 18 °. A loading spring is installed in the elevator channel, which works when the PB is deflected upward by an angle of more than 10 °. As the simplest damper of longitudinal vibrations with a chatter on a steel pipe of the rocking chair RV, a balancing weight of 16 kg is installed. Trimming the right aileron and rudder from the MP-100MT electrical mechanisms.
To stabilize the angular position of the aircraft in space and stabilize the barometric altitude, the AP-6E electric autopilot is used. For emergency shutdown of the autopilot, a special device is used for firing steering gear squibs from the control wiring. Later machines received a BSU-3P control system with an AP-6EM-3P autopilot and an AT-2 trimmer.
The Il-18 aircraft has a rather unusual system of parking locks of rudders, made on electric drives of the MP-100MT type.
The landing gear is wheeled, three-post, with a front foot, and hydraulic long-stroke nitrogen-oil shock absorbers. All racks are hydraulically retracted into the chassis compartments closed by the wings. The direction of cleaning is forward along the flight, which guarantees the release of the chassis in the absence of pressure in the hydraulic system only from high-speed pressure. When cleaning, the wheels of the trolleys of the main legs turn almost parallel to the rod of the main shock absorber, which reduces the required height of the chassis compartment.
On the front leg are two paired wheels, on the main ones - a trolley with four paired brake wheels (2x2). Hydraulic disc brakes with anti-union automatic brake release. If the hydraulic system fails, a 12-liter emergency braking cylinder is used, charged with nitrogen up to 130-150 kg / cm2. The parking brake is also hydraulic, the accumulator capacity is enough for a day of aircraft parking.
Base chassis - 12.755 m, track - 9 m, parking angle - 0 °, wheel size: front strut - 700 × 250 mm (type K-275D or K-275M), the main struts - 930 × 305 mm (type CT- 81/3). The nitrogen pressure in the shock absorber of the front leg is 17 ± 0.5 kg / cm², in the shock absorbers of the main legs, 48 ± 1 kg / cm² (51 ± 1 kg / cm2). The charging pressure in the pneumatics of the wheels of the front leg is 6 ± 0.2 kg / cm², in the wheels of the main legs - 8 ± 0.2 kg / cm². All wheels are chamber.
The wheels of the front leg can rotate when moving along the airfield to a maximum angle of ± 43 °, controlling the turn from the steering wheel of the turn. U-turn from neutral to full angle occurs in no more than 1.5 seconds. When turning off the U-turn mode, the wheels of the front leg go into the mode of self-orientation and damping of lateral self-oscillations.
The hydraulic nitrogen system consists of a main hydraulic system and an emergency nitrogen system. It serves to clean and release the landing gear, braking the wheels, turning the steer wheels of the front leg, the wipers of the observation windows of the pilots, the inclusion of feathering mechanisms. The pressure of 210 kg / cm³ is created by two piston pumps NP-25-5, installed on the internal engines of the aircraft, with a capacity of 40 liters per minute. The total capacity of the hydraulic system is 75 liters, with an oil tank capacity of 48 liters. The working fluid is AMG-10 oil. Compressed nitrogen is used for emergency braking of the wheels of the chassis and for emergency feathering of propellers. Hydraulic accumulators are also charged with nitrogen.
The aircraft fuel system is independently divided into left and right and includes 8 groups of tanks, a total of 22 tanks in the wing planes. Full fueling at a density of 0.785 is 18600 kg of aviation kerosene. Fuel tanks of each plane are divided into main and additional groups. The main group of tanks includes tanks between the internal and external engines and tanks of the removable part of the wing. An additional group of tanks is located between the inner tank and the fuselage, it is produced first of all, and when flying at a short range, it does not refuel at all.
В баках установлено десять топливных насосов ПНВ-2, используемые как для подкачки топлива, так и для перекачки. Система электронного измерения и управления СЭТС-280 включает электронные блоки, 22 ёмкостных датчика топлива и четыре указателя, а также установлено четыре комплекта расходомеров РТМС-1,2-Б1. На самолёте Ил-18Д в средней части центроплана между нервюрами № 4 имеется дополнительный кессон-бак № 12 ёмкостью 6300 литров с двумя перекачивающими насосами ЭЦН-14А, который расходуется в первую очередь — топливо из него перекачивается поровну в левые и правые крыльевые баки № 6 первой группы.
Заправка системы производится через верхние горловины баков № 6, № 8 и № 10 на каждой плоскости. Часть самолётов оборудовалась системой централизованной заправки под давлением.
В случае установки на самолёте турбогенератора ТГ-16, также устанавливается автономная топливная система ТГ. Топливный бак ёмкостью 100 литров расположен в заднем багажном отсеке. Для измерения количества топлива применяется дистанционный топливомер КЭС-2187 с поплавковым датчиком уровня топлива.
Система кондиционирования поддерживает давление в кабине, равное земному, до высоты полёта 5200 метров. Далее перепад давления начнёт увеличиваться и на высоте 8000 метров давление в кабине будет соответствовать высоте 1500 м, на высоте 10000 метров будет соответствовать 2400 м. Отбор воздуха осуществляется от 10-х ступеней компрессоров двигателей с максимальным расходом до 3400 (3900) кг в час, что обеспечивает воздухообмен в салоне до 30 полных циклов в час. Температура в салоне поддерживается на уровне +20 °C.
Противообледенительная система самолёта включает электрообогрев постоянным током передней кромки крыла, киля и стабилизатора (по программе), электрообогрев кромок лопастей воздушных винтов и коков переменным током 115 вольт (циклично парных двигателей), обогрев горячим воздухом компрессоров двигателей и воздухозаборников гондол двигателей, электрообогрев четырёх лобовых стёкол лётчиков. Последние подключены через автотрансформаторы к сети 115 вольт и управляются электронным автоматом обогрева АОС-81М. Также в полёте подогреваются встроенными нагревательными элементами приёмники полного давления ТП-156.
Противопожарная система . На самолёте Ил-18 приняты меры по предотвращению и нераспространению пожара: отсеки двигателей, выхлопной трубы и шасси разделены титановыми противопожарными перегородками: выхлопные трубы изолированы от крыла воздушными каналами. Кроме того, крыло закрыто кожухом из листов титана, который также охлаждается воздухом. Для обнаружения и локализации пожара на самолёте установлена противопожарная система, в составе: 4 комплекта системы сигнализации о пожаре ССП-2А с 48 биметаллическими датчиками ДПС-1А, шесть баллонов ОС-8М с огнегасящим составом «3,5», блок пожарных кранов 781400. Система защищает только гондолы двигателей.
Противопожарная система имеет две очереди пожаротушения. Первая очередь автоматическая, вторая приводится в действие только экипажем. При аварийной посадке с убранным шасси огнетушители срабатывают от датчиков на мотогондолах снизу 2 и 3 двигателя.
На самолёте Ил-18Д с фюзеляжным баком имеется система нейтрального газа, которая при аварийной посадке с убранным шасси подаёт углекислоту в бак № 12. Система включает два баллона ОСУ-5 с зарядом жидкой углекислоты 5,7 кг, краны, арматуру и распыляющие коллекторы. Приведение в работу системы ручное выключателем. Также имеются 4 переносных углекислотных огнетушителя внутри самолёта.
В случае установки турбогенератора, в третьем багажном отсеке монтируется автономная система пожаротушения ТГ с двумя баллонами ОС-2ИЛ первой и второй очереди, и системой сигнализации ССП-2А (1 комплект).
(смотри отдельную статью по двигателю АИ-20 ).
Включает четыре турбовинтовых двигателя АИ-20 с воздушными винтами АВ-68И диаметром 4,5 метра. Двигатели устанавливаются в мотогондолах, посредством балок и подкосов на амортизаторах. В мотогондолах двигателей № 2 и № 3 организованы отсеки основных стоек шасси. Каждая мотогондола состоит из переднего капота и собственно мотогондолы, которая крепится к центроплану крыла.
Двигатель состоит из осевого десятиступенчатого компрессора, осевой трёхступенчатой турбины, кольцевой камеры сгорания с десятью горелками, нерегулируемого выхлопного сопла, планетарного редуктора с передаточным числом 0, 08732. Воздушный винт четырёхлопастной, тянущий, регулируемого шага, автоматический, тип АВ-68И серии 2 или серии 3. Направление вращения турбины и воздушного винта со стороны сопла левое.
Starting engines electric, promotion starter-generators. The launch program is provided by the automatic panel APD-75A. The control of engine operating modes is mechanical, mainly cable. The movement of the ore is transmitted to the KTA-5F command and fuel unit.
The main engine TTD:
- turbine revolutions in the MG mode - 10400 ± 200 rpm.
- turbine revolutions in other modes - 12300 ± 90 rpm.
- response time from MG mode to takeoff ≤ 15 sec.
- engine run time in take-off mode, no more than 15 min.
- exhaust gas reflux temperature at start-up, not more than 750 ° C
- maximum permissible gas temperature in all modes, not more than 520 ° C
Kerosene grade T-1, T-2 or TC is used as fuel. Motor oil is an oil mixture consisting of 75% transformer oil or MK-8 oil and 25% MS-20 or MK-22 oil. The oil tank capacity of each engine is 56.5 liters.
The main TTD screws:
- number of blades - 4
- diameter - 4.5 m
- rotation direction - left
- blade angles range from 0 ° to 83 ° 30 ′
- screw speed regulator, type - R-68D
- stabilized screw rotation speed - 1115 + 15 rpm.
- screw weight without current collector and fairing parts - 385 kg
Each screw has two independent feathering systems in the event of engine failure. The main feathering system is powered by the NF-2TA-2 electric drive vane pump, which supplies motor oil to the screw hub, which causes the blades to turn completely. The emergency feathering system supplies compressed nitrogen to the screw hub oil system, which causes the blades to move to a position close to the vane.
Electrical equipment
Sources of current and on-board network .
IL-18 has a powerful power supply system and a large number of consumers. High-current wiring is made by the aluminum wire of the BPVLA.
The aircraft uses a primary centralized on-board DC network of 27 ± 10% with 8 generators of the STG-12TMO-1000 type on engines. For reliability, the generators are divided into left and right groups.
To start the engines, 20 onboard acid batteries were used. Due to the heavy weight of the battery, 10 batteries were installed on board, and a terrestrial power source was widely used for launch. Then, to start the engines, the TG-16 turbogenerator (APU) was installed regularly with the GS-24A starter-generator, leaving three 12-SAM-28 onboard batteries in the center section. The generator on the TG-16 is also used for power supply in preparing the aircraft for flight.
For ground-based power supply of the on-board DC network on an airplane, there are two SHRAP-500 airfield power outlets for the left and right groups.
Also on the plane there is a single-phase alternating current network of 115 to 400 Hz, which feed 4 SGO-12 generators on engines and an electric machine converter PO-1500. Each generator operates on its own network, parallel operation is not provided. There are three networks on board, the fourth generator is in hot standby and can be forced to turn on instead of any failed generator. The PO-1500 converter in flight feeds the ARK-11 radio compasses, and on the ground it is used to power AC consumers with idle engines or the absence of an airfield source. For ground power, an aerodrome power outlet SHRA-200 is installed.
The aircraft has a three-phase power supply network for consumers with a voltage of 36 to 400 Hz. The network is powered by the PT-1000TSS converter, the main and backup (two pcs.)
Lighting equipment includes crew cockpit lighting: PS-45 ceiling lights, dashboards and KLSRK-45 remotes, workstation lights for radio operator and navigator SLShN-48, as well as ultraviolet illumination for dashboards - 17 sets of ARUFOSH-45 luminaires with UV lamps -4A.
General lighting of all three passenger interiors is carried out by 21 ceiling lights in two versions. Lampshades can work in the main lighting and emergency lighting. The toilets and wardrobe have their own lamps. For individual lighting, a SM-15 lamp in special fixtures is mounted above each passenger seat.
The luggage compartments, the compartments of the gondolas of the chassis, the front foot compartment, the technical compartment in the center section, and the tail section of the radio station are illuminated by PS-45 shades.
The aircraft has 4 retractable landing and steering lights FRS-200 on the lower skin of the nose of the fuselage and at both ends of the wing. These lamps have two operating modes: taxiing (low light, 180 W) and take-off and landing (high light, 600 W).
Aeronautical lights include two different in power BANO on the tips of the left and right plane and a white tail light XC-39. Aircraft flash beacon SIM-1 with two flash lamps of an arc discharge IFK-2000 on the keel and under the fuselage.
Kitchen equipment may include ovens of type ЭДШ-110, universal UEC boilers, as well as a tank with heated water for washing dishes. Hand wash water in the toilet rooms is also heated.
Navigation equipment
Includes systems and stand-alone devices:
- Electric autopilot AP-6E with three electric steering machines
- Course system KS-6
- Navigation indicator NI-50BM-1
- Remote astrocompass DAK-DB-5
- Compass magnetic KI-13
- Horizon AGB-2 or AHD-1 (2 pcs.)
- AGI-1C horizon
- VK-53RB correction switch (3 sets)
- Variometer VR-10
- VAR-30-3 variometer (2 pcs.)
- Altimeter VD-10 (3 pcs.)
- KUS-1200 speed indicator (3 pcs.)
- M number indicator MS-1-0.65
- Clock ACHHO (2 pcs.)
- Watch AVRM
- UVPD-20 height and differential pressure indicator
On later aircraft, the flight-navigation system "Way-U" or "Way-4MP", 2 sets each and an on-board control system BSU-3P with autopilot AP-6EM-3P and automatic trimmer AT-2 were installed.
Radio navigation equipment
- Automatic radio compass ARK-5 or ARK-11 (2 sets)
- Marker radio receiver MRP-56P (or set SP-50)
- Low Altitude Radio Altimeter RV-2
On later aircraft, the RSBN-2C short-range navigation radio system and NAS-1 navigation Doppler system were installed
Radio Communications Equipment
- 1-RSB-70 (R-807) - 1 set
- RSB-5 (P-805) or Helium station - 1 set
- RPS radio
- VHF station RSIU-4P or RSIU-5 2 sets
- Intercom SPU-6 or SPU-7
- Loudspeaker device SSU-15
Radar equipment
- Radar front view RPSN-2N (1 set)
- SP-11S
- Barospidograph K2-75
On later machines, a magnetic recorder of flight modes MSRP-12-96 is installed
Operational Features and Limitations
The maximum take-off weight of aircraft of various modifications varies slightly. So, for example, for Il-18B and Il-18V it is 61200 kg, for Il-18E - 61400 kg, for Il-18D - 64000 kg. It is allowed to exceed the maximum take-off weight by 500 kg, with the expectation that these half a ton of kerosene will be used up for engine warming and taxiing to the runway. The maximum fueling for all modifications, except for the Il-18D, is 18600 kg. An additional twelfth tank was introduced on the IL-18D; the capacity of the system is 23,550 kg.
The restriction on the remaining fuel during landing is not more than 10,000 kg. The limitation is imposed on the strength of the wing.
With full take-off weight, the maximum flight range is reduced by about half.
The maximum permissible centering for all modifications, except for the Il-18D: front with the chassis extended - 18% SAH, the retracted chassis - 16% SAH; the rear with the retracted chassis - 23% SAH, with the released - 25% SAH. As the fuel runs out, the alignment moves forward. When distilling an empty aircraft, additional cargo (ballast) is required.
The maximum permissible speed for the device is 610 km / h, the number M is not more than 0.65.
Model name | Brief characteristics, differences. |
IL-18 Salon | Airplanes for special transportation of high-ranking statesmen. The aircraft of this modification were repeatedly used by N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev . IL-18 Salon (tail number USSR-75717) on April 14, 1961, delivered to Moscow Yu. A. Gagarin after his historic flight into space . By orders of Aeroflot and foreign airlines, 10 variants of cabin layouts were developed (factory indices: 13A, 22A, 29A, 39A). In 1956-1969 About 20 Il-18B, Il-18V and Il-18D aircraft were converted into Salon options. |
IL-18 "Strip" | Experienced with a complex of navigation and flight equipment, which allowed to perform automatic flight along the entire trajectory. In 1965, 1 aircraft was converted. |
IL-18A | The first production aircraft with NK-4 engines. Total serial built in 1958-59. 42 copies of the IL-18A. Due to unreliable engine operation, from January 1959, the operation of Il-18A aircraft with NK-4 engines was discontinued. Later they were converted into IL-18B aircraft. |
IL-18B | Aircraft with AI-20 engines began to arrive at Aeroflot from the beginning of 1959. In 1958-1959. 64 cars built. |
IL-18V | Aircraft improved layout with three passenger cabins. |
IL-18V-26A (IL-18D) | Airplane for long-haul flights. It was distinguished by an increased fuel supply, a comfortable cabin for 20 passengers, and additional flight and navigation equipment. In 1962, 3 aircraft were manufactured. It was used for flights to Antarctica. |
IL-18Gr | Cargo. It differs in the absence of passenger equipment, reinforced floor, rail with a hoist on the ceiling of the cabin. The first flight was March 4, 1978. Since 1978, passenger aircraft that have not worked out their resources have been converted at aircraft repair plants. |
IL-18Grm | Cargo modified. It is distinguished by the presence of a large cargo door in the port side, floor mechanization (layouts “41” and “42A”). Designed in 1978. In 1990-1996, several IL-18D aircraft were converted. |
IL-18D | Model with increased range and commercial load with AI-20M engines. In 1965-1969 122 IL-18Ds were built. |
IL-18D "Pomor" | Fish reconnaissance aircraft. Converted 1 IL-18D. |
IL-18DC "Cyclone" | Aircraft for meteorological research. The first flight on April 4, 1980. |
IL-18DORR | Aircraft early warning of fish resources. The first flight in April 1985. Converted 2 aircraft at the Domodedovo Production Association. [9] |
IL-18E | A machine with an increased number of seats (up to 100 ... 110) and a modified air conditioning system, interior decoration has also been improved. In 1965-1966, 23 cars were produced. |
IL-18LL | Flying lab. In the LII them. MM Gromov converted several aircraft. |
IL-18RT (IL-18SIP) | Aircraft measuring station. He was distinguished by equipment for receiving and recording telemetric information, 15 workplaces of operators in the cabin. In 1964, 2 IL-18Vs were converted. |
IL-18RTL | Prototype IL-20RT. It featured a large fairing of antennas on top of the fuselage. Converted 1 IL-18 in 1971 at the LII them. M. M. Gromova. |
IL-18T (IL-18AT, BT, VT) | Transport and sanitary. Notable for the lack of armchairs, toilets and wardrobes. The first flight on February 29, 1960. Converted from passenger aircraft. |
IL-18TD | Airborne transport. Made in 1 copy in 1968. |
IL-18USH | Training navigator. He was distinguished by 20 jobs navigators in the cabin. Designed in 1972. One aircraft was converted in the flight training unit of the Order of Lenin of the Academy of Civil Aviation (Leningrad). |
Flight performance
Data source: “Corner of the sky” [10]
- Specifications
- Crew : 5 people
- Passengers: 80–122 people
- Payload : up to 15 t (in cargo version)
- Length : 35.90 m
- Wing span : 37.42 m
- Height : 10.17 m
- Wing Area: 140.0 m²
- Empty weight: 35000 kg
- Maximum takeoff weight : 64,000 kg
- Powerplant : 4 × TVD Progress (Ivchenko) AI-20M
- Engine power: 4 × 4252 l. with.
- Flight characteristics
- Maximum speed: 685 km / h
- Cruising speed : 625 km / h
- Practical range: 6500 km
- Practical ceiling : 10,000 m
Commercial operation of the liner began in 1959 . The last Il-18D aircraft (USSR-74270 board) was handed over to Aeroflot in January 1969 . Until the mid-1970s, the Il-18 remained the main long- and medium-haul airliner in the USSR, then in this capacity it was replaced by the Il-62 and Tu-154 . Also, IL-18 was used by airlines of the GDR , Poland , Hungary , Romania , Nigeria and Cuba . The IL-18 was a fairly reliable aircraft that did not require a long runway, as in the case of the Tu-104 , and therefore suitable for operation at many airfields that had a runway of 1800-2000 meters in length. Nevertheless, in the 1970s, the Soviet aircraft industry headed for the creation and construction of mostly jet aircraft, and therefore the era of medium-range turboprop liners began to come to an end. As the resource was developed, the first IL-18s began to be written off in the mid-1970s. The mass retirement of Aeroflot’s remaining machines began in the late 1970s and the first half of the 1980s and lasted almost the entire decade. By the end of the 1980s, several IL-18s at Aeroflot remained in the Domodedovo Civil Aviation Production Association . As an official or special aircraft, the IL-18 was used for a long time, in particular, in rescue operations to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and the earthquake in Spitak , the Air Force and MAP enterprises. In the 1990s, some IL-18s that were preserved in flight condition were leased or sold to Russian airlines. Thus, individual aircraft of this type received a second life in passenger traffic.
IL-18 significantly outlived its peers Tu-104 and An-10 , with which it began to plow the sky in the late 1950s, including for the reasons that it was produced longer than them, was a more massive and reliable aircraft. Commercial operation of the IL-18 in Russia actually ceased only in 2002: passenger transport on the IL-18 was prohibited in Russian civil aviation by order of the Ministry of Transport on October 14, 2002 after the plane crash near Kalyazin a year earlier.
As of January 1, 2006, there were 11 aircraft of this type in the State Register of Civil Aircraft of the Russian Federation, of which 3 were operated, mainly for cargo transportation in countries of equatorial Africa and Afghanistan .
As of January 1, 2007, two civil aircraft of the Il-18 type were operated by the civil aviation of the Russian Federation (in the government squadron of the State Customs Committee "Russia" , in the modification of the Il-20 - government communications relay).
As of December 12, 2010, the IL-18 RA-75713 is actively operating, performing four to five cargo flights a week along the route Petrozavodsk - Naryan-Mar .
On October 23, 2010, the IL-18 is operated by the following operators:
Military Operators
- Russia
- Aviation of the Navy of the Russian Federation - one Il-18D, as of 2016 [11] .
- Air Force - one Il-18V, eight Il-18D [12] .
- The Air Force of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea - two Il-18s, as of 2016 [13] .
Civil Operators
- Russia
- NPP Mir - two IL-18D (flying laboratory).
- Sri Lanka
- Expo Aviation - One Aircraft.
- Somalia
- Jubba Airways - two aircraft.
- Air Koryo - one plane.
- Ukraine
- Air Sirin - one plane.
According to the Aviation Safety Network website, as of March 15, 2019, a total of 100 Il-18 aircraft were lost as a result of accidents and serious accidents. [14] They tried to hijack IL-18 10 times, while 3 people were killed. In total, 2501 people died in these incidents. [15]
According to official statistics of the Ilyushin Design Bureau and statements by experts in media interviews, in the USSR and, subsequently, the Russian Federation and the CIS, not a single Il-18 catastrophe has occurred since 1976 due to a failure of the material part, but real statistics do not confirm this. In total, from 1959 to 1977 there were 16 Il-18 accidents. Five of them are associated with a mountainous landing approach in difficult weather conditions.
According to international statistics, most of the IL-18 crashes of many foreign air carriers are connected with the fact that the airliner, due to its unpretentiousness, is operated in obviously unfavorable conditions, when maintenance and dispatch support of flights are far from ideal. Standards of permissible load and weather conditions, under which take-off and landing are permissible, are also not always observed. As a result, in the case of IL-18, the resource of which is already close to the maximum permissible, there are great risks associated with technology, and, indirectly, the risks of exposure to the human factor.
IL-18D in a single livery of Aeroflot model 1973
IL-18D in the livery of the airline Interflug ( GDR )
IL-18 in the livery of the airline LOT ( Poland )
Ил-18В в ливрее авиакомпании TAROM ( СРР )
Ил-18 в ливрее авиакомпании Air Koryo ( КНДР ).
Кабина Ил-18
Самолёты-памятники и музейные экспонаты
Type of | Board number | Location | Picture |
IL-18 | Один из немногих сохранившихся в оригинальном состоянии Ил-18 — в городе Боркхайде (Германия). Внутри самолёта находится музей авиаконструктора Ганса Граде [16] . | ||
Ил-18А | CCCP-75634, серийный номер 187000101 | Государственный музей авиации Украины | |
IL-18 | CCCP-75767, заводской номер 181003501 | С 1981 года выставлен в парке Победы г. Ставрополя . [17] | |
IL-18 | Установлен в качестве памятника возле аэропорта города Вологды . | ||
IL-18 | установлен как памятник у аэропорта столицы Словении Любляна в ливрее Югославских авиалиний | ||
Ил-18В | СССР-75813 | Установлен как памятник в г. Мерке , Жамбылская обл. Республика Казахстан |
- Ил-18Д номер СССР-75424, был установлен 2 июля 1983 года в Комсомольском парке города Ташкент. На сегодняшний день не сохранился. [one]
- Памятник самолёту ИЛ-18Б был установлен в парке им. Гагарина в Симферополе . Был сдан на металл в 1990-е годы.
- Памятник самолёту Ил-18 был установлен у терминала B аэропорта Шереметьево (бывший Шереметьево-1). В 2012 демонтирован и перенесен в парк г. Химки возле ж/д станции. Стоял в полуразобранном состоянии на бетонных блоках. Была произведена экспертиза ВС, в результате комиссия сделала вывод, что данное ВС может не выдержать снеговых и ветровых нагрузок, из-за появившихся трещин и коррозии, было принято решение о его разборе.
- В конце 1970-х — первой половине 1990-х годов списанный Ил-18 эксплуатировался в качестве детского кинотеатра «Полёт» в Алюминиевой балке г. Запорожье . С начала 1990-х годов стоял запертый, кинотеатр не работал. Во второй половине 1990-х годов внутреннее убранство кинозала подверглось вандализму и разграблению. В последней декаде июля 1999 года корпус самолёта «удачно» сгорел и тут же был утилизирован как металлолом.
- Ил-18 в качестве памятника до 1993 года был установлен вблизи городского парка в городе Кызыл .
- Ил-18 примерно 1976-78 годах был установлен в городском парке г. Аркалык ( Казахстан ) с целью организации детского кинотеатра. Организация затянулась и оставленный без должного присмотра самолёт потихоньку разбирали на сувениры, в частности стекла иллюминаторов использовались для катания с ледяных горок. В итоге в самолёте возник пожар, из-за разведённого подростком костра в салоне. Выгорел салон, прогорела верхняя центральная часть фюзеляжа. Самолёт вывезли в утилизацию.
- 30 мая 1982 года в Пензе был открыт детский кинотеатр — «Илюша», он размещался на борту самолёта ИЛ-18, на берегу Суры, недалеко от подвесного моста. Уничтожен в начале 90-х годов.
- В 1980-е годы в г. Душанбе , на борту установленного в одном из микрорайонов города, самолёта Ил-18 был открыт кинотеатр. Уничтожен в начале 90-х в годы гражданской войны.
- Ил-18В (СССР-75567) — примерно с 1982 по 1995 год стоял в г. Евпатория по ул. Некрасова , ныне парк Соколова, использовался под кафе — «ПОЛЁТ». После чего порезан на лом городскими властями. [18]
- Ил-18 установлен как памятник на берегу реки Сыр-Дарья в городе Худжанд (бывший Ленинабад) республика Таджикистан . В 80-х годах прошлого века использовался в качестве кафе. В 90-х годах кафе закрыли и внутреннее убранство кафе подверглось вандализму и разграблению, так же как и части фюзеляжа. ( ), ( )
- Ил-18 с 1978 по 1992 гг. был установлен в Центральном парке г. Красноярска, в нём располагалось детское кафе «Карлсон».
- Самолёт Ил-18Б установлен в городе Луцк , в начале 80-х. Использовался в качестве кинотеатра, затем бара, в настоящее время (2018) закрыт, вокруг него стоянка автомобилей.
- С конца 70-х по конец 80-х самолёт Ил-18 стоял в парке у ДК «Химик» микрорайона «Юбилейный» города Ровно , в нём располагался кинотеатр «Полёт», затем тир. После пожара самолёт был закрыт, через несколько лет — разобран.
- Ил-18 в 1980-х гг. находился в комсомольском парке г. Красноярска (пр. Свободный), в нём располагалось кафе.
- Ил-18 с 1984 по 1993 гг. был установлен в качестве памятника в аэропорту Емельяново г. Красноярска .
- Ил-18 с 1980 по 2000 гг. был установлен в парке Гагарина г. Новокузнецка , в нём располагался детский кинотеатр.
- Ил-18 в конце 70-х годов. (ориент. 1977—1979) был установлен в парке Энгельса г. Свердловска. см.фото — Сгорел.
- В 1981 году Ил-18В был установлен как памятник советской авиации в парке Победы города Ставрополя .
- В 80-ых годах ХХ века в сквере на пр. Ф. Энгельса г. Иваново был установлен Ил — 18 со снятыми двигателями, оборудованный под кинозал, в котором показывали, в основном, мультфильмы и детские фильмы. Назывался он "кинотеатр «Лайнер». «Лайнер» стал излюбленным местом отдыха ивановской ребятни. Кроме просмотра киносеанса можно было покрутить лопасти двигателей (лопасти сохранили, хотя сами двигатели сняли), поиграть в лётчиков… В конце 80-ых гг. самолёт был демонтирован по требованию инспекции Госпожнадзора.
- ↑ Официальный сайт ОАО «Авиационный комплекс им. С. В. Ильюшина». Даты первых полётов Архивировано 28 июня 2013 года. .
- ↑ 1 2 Таликов Н. Д. Три четверти века «ильюшинского» неба… — М.: Вестник Воздушного Флота, 2008. — С. 166.
- ↑ Archived copy (inaccessible link) . Дата обращения 26 февраля 2016. Архивировано 3 марта 2016 года. Реестр самолётов типа Ил-18/20/22/38 на
- ↑ Таликов Н. Д. Три четверти века «ильюшинского» неба… — М.: Вестник Воздушного Флота, 2008. — С. 153.
- ↑ Таликов Н. Д. Три четверти века «ильюшинского» неба… — М.: Вестник Воздушного Флота, 2008. — С. 155.
- ↑ Таликов Н. Д. Три четверти века «ильюшинского» неба… — М.: Вестник Воздушного Флота, 2008. — С. 157.
- ↑ Таликов Н. Д. Три четверти века «ильюшинского» неба… — М.: Вестник Воздушного Флота, 2008. — С. 158.
- ↑ Ил-22 .
- ↑ За синей далью — океан | Publications | Вокруг Света .
- ↑ Ил-18
- ↑ The Military Balance 2016, p. 193.
- ↑ ✈ ✈ наша авиация . Date of treatment December 20, 2016.
- ↑ The Military Balance 2016, p. 266.
- ↑ Harro Ranter. Aviation Safety Network> ASN Aviation Safety Database> Type index> ASN Aviation Safety Database results . Date of appeal March 15, 2019.
- ↑ Harro Ranter. Aviation Safety Network > ASN Aviation Safety Database > Aircraft type index > Ilyushin Il-18 > Ilyushin Il-18 Statistics . Date of appeal March 15, 2019.
- ↑ «Родства не помнящие». // Белые пятна истории. Рассказ о человеке изменившем судьбу Ил-18.
- ↑ История самолёта в Парке Победы г. Ставрополя
- ↑ ✈ ✈ наша авиация
- Реестр выпущенных Ил-18/20/22/38 с описанием и статистикой по эксплуатации
- Список авиакатастроф с участием Ил-18 что явно не соответствует Авиационные_происшествия_с_Ил-18