Archimandrite Avraamy Florinsky (c. 1720 - 1797 , Rostov ) - Orthodox priest, theologian.
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Originally from Little Russian bourgeois. He studied at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy , in which in 1752 he was a teacher and preacher.
In 1753 he took tonsure and became a professor of philosophy at the academy, and between 1757 and 1758 - its prefect.
In the dignity of archimandrite, he was rector of the Vilna Monastery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (1758-1762).
In 1762, the archimandrite was appointed rector of the Vladimir Theological Seminary . He served as archimandrite in the monasteries of Vladimir Tsarevo-Konstantinov (1762-1773); Rostov Borisoglebsky (1773-1775); Rostov Epiphany (1775-1786); and Rostov Iakovlevsky stauropegial (from February 9, 1786) where he died on April 30 ( May 11 ), 1797 .
By decree of the Synod, he corrected the “Conversations” of John Chrysostom on the Gospels of Matthew and John.
In the last years of his life, as a specialist in Greek fathers, Archimandrite Abraham, the Holy Synod entrusted the comparison with the original and verification of the “Good Philosophy”, first printed in Russia then, translated by the old man Paisius Velichkovsky .
- Abraham // Orthodox Encyclopedia . - M .: Church Scientific Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia" , 2000. - T. I. - S. 171. - 752 p. - 40,000 copies. - ISBN 5-89572-006-4 .
- Avraamy (Florinsky) // Russian Biographical Dictionary : in 25 volumes. - SPb. - M. , 1896-1918.
- Avraamy Florinsky // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary : in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.