Khristina Vladimirskaya (c. 1219 - 1238 ) - the noble Princess of Vladimir , wife of Prince Vladimir Yurievich , daughter-in-law of Grand Prince of Vladimir Yuri II Vsevolodovich .
Killed during the capture of Vladimir by the troops of Batu Khan from a fire in the Assumption Cathedral or tortured in the headquarters of Batu Khan.
Reliable images of Christina Vladimirskaya have not been preserved, as well as icons dedicated to her, akathist and life. The historian V.N. Tatishchev denied the authenticity of this figure, as well as of the other legendary princess - Maria of Vladimir. His History indicated that in 1236, Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich “ married Vladimir with Mstislav .” In this case, the semi-legendary Mstislav Vladimirskaya comes to replace Christina Vladimirskaya. However, in the works of N. M. Karamzin and S. M. Soloviev, this name already appears.
Khristina Vladimirskaya was canonized by the Orthodox Church in 1645 (400 years after her death) as a noble princess in the Cathedral of Vladimir Saints [1] , together with mother-in-law Princess Agafia Vsevolodovna , her daughter Feodora Yuryevna and the wife of her husband's brother Mstislav Maria Vladimirskaya - see Vladimir Martyrs . The memory takes place on July 6 (June 23 according to the old style).
- Danilevsky I.N. Russian lands through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants (XII — XIV centuries) . M .: Aspect-Press, 2000.