Australorp ( born Australorp ) is a meat-and- egg breed of chickens . The most famous are the black Australorps. Bred in Australia based on English black orpingtones . The plumage is black with a dark green tint.
The live weight of cocks is 3.5-3.9 kg, chickens 2.5-2.9 kg. Egg production 150-180 eggs per year. Egg mass 55–62 g; brown shell.
The breed is distributed mainly in Australia and the USA . It was imported to Russia in 1946 from the USA. It is used in crosses to produce hybrid laying hens with high egg production.
- Backyard Poultry - Naturally , Alanna Moore, Bolwarrah Press, Bolwarrah, Vic, Australia, 1998. ISBN 0-9585590-1-5
- The American Standard of Perfection 1998 Edition , American Poultry Association, INC., Mendon, MA.
- Details and photos of Australorps on