Street Antonovich - a street in the Frankivsk district of Lviv ( Ukraine ). Connects the streets of Bandera and Kulparkovskaya .
Antonovich Street | |
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The street is built up with buildings in the style of Classicism, Art Nouveau, Constructivism, Stalinism, Soviet Constructivism of the 1960-1970s.
The traffic on the street is one-way, towards the city center; in the opposite direction, traffic takes place along a parallel street - Turgenev . In the Soviet period, trolleybus lines were laid along Antonovich Street, routes number 2, 9, 10 pass.
- Since 1863 - Ogrodnitskaya ,
- 1871 - 1927 - Horticultural ,
- 1927 - 1941 - Zadvuzhanskaya ,
- 1941 - 1944 - Ludendorfstrasse , in honor of the German military commander Erich Ludendorff ,
- 1944 - 1946 - Zadvuzhanskaya ,
- 1946 - 1961 - Stalingrad ,
- 1961 - 1983 - Volgograd ,
- 1983 - 1992 - Battle of Stalingrad ,
- Since 1992 - Antonovich Street , in honor of the Ukrainian historian Vladimir Antonovich .
Notable Buildings
- No. 14, while the city was part of Poland, the Gnome metal factory and the Metallit toy factory.
- No. 16 at the USSR orphanage No. 5, later - Pedagogical College of Lviv National University .
- No. 20 under the Polish government is the Svyatoslav Publishing Union.
- No. 31 under the Polish government - the production of geodetic instruments Jan Buyak, now the production of hardware.
- Number 37 under the Polish government - the production of carpet.
- Number 39 under the Polish government - leather production, from the Soviet era - school.
- No. 47 under the Polish government - the trade union of railway drivers, under the USSR - the House of Pioneers of the Lviv Railway and the school for the art education of children, in Ukraine - the Center for Children's Creativity "Rainbow".
- No. 66 and No. 68 under the Polish government - Zholkevsky women's gymnasium, since Soviet times, house number 66 houses a sports club for archery, and house number 68 is a residential club.
- No. 70 under the Polish government - a women's weaving and haberdashery vocational school and a bakery, under the USSR - a railway secondary school No. 6, nowadays - Children and Youth Technical School and the Law Faculty of the Lviv Institute of Business and Law.
- No. 90 is a building of the Soviet period, occupied by the Erotron Research Institute.
- No. 117 from Soviet times. State Children's House No. 2 of the city of Lviv.
- No. 130a, Consulate of the Czech Republic.
- No. 140 at the USSR vocational school Kineskop plant, and after the ruin of the enterprise during the years of independence of Ukraine - a cafe.
- Antonovich Street on the Yandex.Panorama service.
- Lemko I. New World-3