A multiwire proportional chamber (or simply a wire chamber ) is a detector of ionizing radiation (or a detector of elementary particles), the technology of such cameras is the development of the concept of a Geiger counter and a proportional counter. Unlike a proportional counter, in which a single anode is used to pick up a signal, in a multiwire proportional chamber in a single gas volume there are immediately a large number of anodes, which makes it possible to obtain not only information about the ionization value, but also the coordinate of the transmitted particle.
Proportional Counter
A proportional counter is a gas detector of ionizing radiation , the principle of which is the process of avalanche amplification of a charge in a cylindrical electric field . The proportional gain mode in such a counter allows, in contrast to the Geiger mode , in addition to the very fact of the passage of a particle, to measure the amount of ionization left by a charged particle.
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