Levk ( dr. Greek Λεῦκος ) - a character of ancient Greek mythology, the son of Talos [1] . The adopted son of Idomeneo [2] . He ruled the kingdom in the absence of Idomeneo, who participated in the Trojan War . He became the lover of Medus, the wife of Idomeneo. Then Napplius persuaded him to kill Meda, her children Iphicles, Lika and her daughter and bride Levka Klisifer (Klisitiru) [3] . Having separated 10 cities from 100 cities of Crete, Levk became a tyrant in Crete. After the Trojan War, he expelled Idomeneo , who landed on Crete [4] .
- ↑ Losev A.F. Mythology of the Greeks and Romans. M., 1996. P.149
- ↑ Lycophron. Alexandra 1224
- ↑ Lycophron. Alexander 1217-1225 and comm .; Tsetz. Chiliad III 291 // Notes by V. G. Borukhovich in the book. Apollodorus. Mythological library. L., 1972. P.184
- ↑ Pseudo-Apollodorus. Mythological library E VI 9-10