Charles Horton Cooley [5] ( English Charles Horton Cooley , August 17, 1864 , Ann Arbor , Michigan - May 8, 1929 , ibid.) - American sociologist and social psychologist , professor at the University of Michigan , one of the presidents of the American Sociological Association .
Charles Horton Cooley | |
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Scientific activity
Cooley’s sociological theory is based on social organism and recognition of the fundamental role of consciousness in shaping social processes. Calling himself a monist , Cooley considered society , social groups and the individual as a single living organism. But Cooley's organism is far from biological analogies; his holism is based on the mental nature of the social organism - “super-I”, “big consciousness”.
The initial premise of his theory was the assertion about the social nature of man, which without exaggeration we can call the image of man as a cultural being. According to Cooley, the social nature of a person “is developed in a person by means of simple forms of intimate interaction or primary groups, especially family and neighborly groups, which exist everywhere and always affect an individual equally.” It represents a certain complex of social feelings, attitudes, moral standards common to all mankind, constituting the universal spiritual environment of human activity.
The social nature of man corresponds to a special social cognition, "which is able to combine visible behavior with the imagination of the corresponding internal processes of consciousness." Max Weber would call such knowledge “understanding”, assuming the existence of a subjective sense of activity, and the sociology that Cooley built on this basis - understanding sociology.
Major works
- “Human nature and social order” ( 1902 );
- “Social Organization” ( 1909 );
- The Social Process ( 1918 );
- "Sociological theory and social research" ( 1930 ).
Translations into Russian
Cooley C.H. Favorites: Sat translations / RAS. INION. Center social. scientific-inform. research. Sep. sociology and social psychology; Comp. and translator V. G. Nikolaev; Repl. ed. D.V. Efremenko . - M., 2019 .-- 234 p. - (Ser .: Theory and History of Sociology).
- ↑ 1 2 Encyclopædia Britannica
- ↑ 1 2 SNAC - 2010.
- ↑ 1 2 3 Cooley Charles Horton // Great Soviet Encyclopedia : [in 30 vol.] / Ed. A. M. Prokhorov - 3rd ed. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia , 1969.
- ↑ Find a Grave - 1995. - ed. size: 165000000
- ↑ Podvoisky, 2010 , p. 292.
- in Russian
- Cooley, Charles Horton / Landa N.M. // Konda - Coon. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1973. - (The Great Soviet Encyclopedia : [30 vol.] / Ch. Ed. A. M. Prokhorov ; 1969-1978, vol. 13).
- Cooley, Charles Horton / Podvoisky D.G. // Baptism of the Lord - Swallows. - M .: Big Russian Encyclopedia, 2010. - P. 292. - ( Big Russian Encyclopedia : [in 35 vols.] / Ch. Ed. Yu. S. Osipov ; 2004—2017, vol. 16). - ISBN 978-5-85270-347-7 .
- in other languages
- Coser LA Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context . New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.
- Dewey R. "Charles Horton Cooley: Pioneer in Psychosociology." Chap. 43 in Introduction to the History of Sociology , edited by Harry E. Barnes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press , 1948.
- Gutman R. “Cooley: A Perspective.” American Sociological Review 23, no. 3 (June 1958): 251–256. JSTOR. doi: 10.2307 / 2089238 .
- Mann D. (2008), Understanding society: a survey of modern social theory , Oxford University Press , pg. 183
- Mead GH "Cooley's Contribution to American Social Thought." American Journal of Sociology 35, no. 5 (March 1930): 693-706. doi: 10.1086 / 215190 Full text available ( Brock University 's Mead Project).
- Lemert CC, ed. Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classic Readings . 4th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2010.
- Sica A., ed. Social Thought: From the Enlightenment to the Present . Boston: Pearson, 2005.